Fun at the County Fair


Every fall, since my first born was only 5 months old, I’ve taken my children to the county fair.  We don’t by any stretch live in a rural area, so I am sure some of you country folk would laugh and heckle what we call a county fair.  But, for my suburbanite children and I, it offers a rare opportunity to see some farm animals up close.    It is a fall tradition we look forward to all summer long! 

Of the 6 years I’ve gone, this was by far my favorite year.  Not sure if it was because the exhibits were that much better, or if it was b/c my children were older and better able to enjoy and participate in the event, or b/c I wasn’t pushing a stroller or nursing a baby in the midst of the farm fun.  Either way, it was a glorious morning at the fair. 


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For more fall fun, visit Monica’s Fall Festival at Daily Dwelling.


  1. I loved the Fair this year too it was my first though and the only other I have ever been to was in Miami not exactly rural either. I love the last picture there your girls look like they are having so much fun!

  2. What fun! We've moved around so much that we haven't found where all the fun activities are located. You have inspired me to search out our fair!

  3. Great pictures. Sorry we missed it this year :-(

  4. Great pictures! County fairs are so much fun. We look forward to them as well. However, we milk real cows at ours. Not wooden ones. I'm telling you the Circus kids need to come visit Happy's dad's farm someday. That would be such fun. We could country them up!

  5. What fun!!! I haven't gone to a fair like that in forever! My kids would really enjoy it, though. Your pictures are wonderful!


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