Holding Fast


Every now and then at the circus, I find myself enjoying a moment of peace.  All too often that peace and quiet is the result of complete and massive destruction going on quietly in another room of the house… say an overflowing sink, or crayon art on the wall, or something else which seems to bind my children in complete quiet. 

But sometimes, sometimes all is calm and when I fearfully peek around the corner, I catch a moment like this.


or this

IMG_2630 (first one taken one afternoon last week and the second one taken Friday morning… I love how when I walked into the room his arm was around her as natural as can be)

And I do my very best to hold fast to those moments and savor them.  Because I know all too soon someone will be touching someone or taking her book or sitting on his blanket.  It will be “my turn” and  “she hit me!” and “he’s not my best friend” and I will want to throw my hands in the air and scream for quiet! 

So I cherish these moments and hold them close.  Because in the midst of the whining and arguing and chaos that exists each and every day, beneath that, there is love and comfort and it is my hearts prayer that these children will grow up not just siblings, but life long friends…


  1. Amen! Great moments that you caught. It surely makes it all worth while :-)

  2. sweet. makes a mom's heart smile!

  3. It takes me back I now have older memoeies to look at.

  4. You're so smart to cherish those moments. It is so nice to catch them truly being so sweet to each other. That happens once in a while around here, too.

  5. Precious. I think they're well on their way to being lifelong friends.


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