Gone Gold Fishing

One Sunday I picked my 2 year old son up from Sunday School and found goldfish in his bin.  He had saved some of his snack to share with Mommy and Daddy.  My jaw hit the floor.  His thoughtfulness both touched and humbled me.

Our church has a fellowship time between services in which you can have some cookies, popcorn, coffee, and lemonade.  Once my son was old enough to attend church with us after Sunday School, he got to come join us for the fellowship time as well.  Each week for the past two years he’ll grab three cookies from the table.  The first time I stopped him, telling him he only needed one.  Turns out the other two were for his sisters.  And every single week, he grabs 3 cookies so he can eat one with his sisters in the car on the way home.

He does things like this often.  Last week in Kindergarten his teacher gave them each a bag of Swedish Fish.  Knowing these are Daddy’s favorite candy, my son did not each his candy at school with the rest of the class.  Nor did he tear into it when he got into the van at the end of the day.  Instead he saved it until Daddy got home and then gave each person in the family a fish.

While I sneak cookies to enjoy in secret during nap time or after bed, he will save his to share with the family later.

I am so glad that my girls are watching him so closely.

http://www.dantobindantobin.com/pics/goldfish.jpgToday when I picked my 3 year old up from her Bible study class, she showed me a baggie of goldfish.  She saved some to share with the rest of us on our way home.   My heart melted and I was so thankful that she strives so hard to be just like her brother.


  1. i just want to squeeze all over those kids! i love how you've raised them and can't wait to read the parenting book you're going to write, and sending my kids to your homeschool! (Eli is 6 six weeks now, so i'd cracking on that book, if i were you...)

  2. Oh Crystal, how precious! Isn't it so reassuring when you can see the fruit of your teaching, God's faithfulness, and their obedience?

  3. how sweet! i hope they can understand how much jesus is happy when they think of others more than themselves. oh, i want to give them all a big hug, but i think i'll hug my kids instead (that way i won't freak your kids out, OR have to buy a plane ticket to come see you. i don't think that will fly with my husband!)

  4. that is SO sweet. and definitely a testament to Scott and you and the way you're raising them--kids already know how to be mean and selfish, but you're clearly teaching them so many ways to love each other! i'm excited that i've joined MOPS and we're blog buddies bc I can't wait to learn ways to instill the same things in my own baby boy. Thanks for sharing :)
    (Also, completely off topic. Last week, we were walking through Costco, and I spied the JUMBO box of Goldfish. I for some reason decided I needed to have them; unfortunately, my husband thought for some silly reason that since I've NEVER in my life bought goldfish, the idea of buying a 5 gallon box of them to fulfill a pregnancy craving might not be a great idea. Silly man. So, I didn't get them. But now, I want them again. I'm off to grocery store......)

  5. What a sweet kind boy. You must be super proud. Reminds me of a story I will have to tell you sometime. :)

  6. Wow wow wow. That is amazing that it came so naturally for him. What a blessing!

  7. I have to meet this little man of yours. And let him spend a lot of time with Noah...as in A LOT...as in I'll just send Noah your way (via overnight priority express) and you can send him back when he's achieved some of your little guy's kindness.

    Not that he's a total brat, but he' s just not as kind as your kids.


    Ditto Stella g on the book thing.

  8. I love this it shows such a good and giving heart and a great atmosphere in your home.


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