It's so much more friendly with two (or 26)


"It takes a long time to grow an old friend."
- by John Leonard


Nothing says labor day weekend to me, then a house bursting at the seams with  friends.   For the past 8 years, we’ve spent labor day with my group of 6 best friends from high school and our growing families.    While we’ve changed locations over the years from rustic accommodations, rental homes, and friends houses, some things have remained constant.  If ya wanna see some pics of how the group has grown and changed through the years, check out this post

As the kids grow, it’s been fun to watch them interact with each other.  It adds an entirely new dimension to the gathering.

Believe it or not of the 34 pictures I snapped of the gaggle of kiddos (ages 5-1 month), this was the best one as it was the only one in which you could see each of their 14 faces (and the one with the least tears).kids 2009

This year the kids put together a talent show for the parents (much thanks goes out to Andrea for corralling them for this). IMG_2116

Check out their moves in their opening number.IMG_2118

Nothing like poker chips to keep the kids entertained.    IMG_2094

I find it rather poignant that while we are enjoying the comfort and familiarity of our lifelong friendships, our children are simultaneously cultivating their own friendships.   IMG_2220


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  1. It looks like another great Labor Day weekend with your friends!! It's such an awesome tradition!

  2. It looks like they will follow in their parents footsteps.
    "It takes a long time to grow an old friend."
    - by John Leonard

  3. What a great tradition!!! It is a blessing to have such long lasting friendships.

  4. Oh my gosh, how fun!!!!!!!!!!! What a great tradition to have, and it also shows your kids the importance of friendships!!! What a blessing!

  5. "Time draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast friend, which neither heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can alter or diminish." - John Lyly

    I love you, my friend!!!

  6. Just think, in eternity, it will never end :)

  7. What an awesome tradition! I can't believe there's 14 kids between y'all! And all soooo close in ages. How exciting.

  8. Looks like an awesome weekend!

    It was a great surprise to run into you all on the highway, hours from home. I hope your trip home was as easy as ours.

  9. This is one of the best things I've ever heard. I'm extremely envious of your Crystal. Happy Labor Day!

  10. You are blessed for sure in having such close relationships with the friends you made in high school! And I love your Labor Day tradition. Glad you had another great year!

    And look at ALL THOSE kids! Woo doggie!

  11. What great memories for all of you - and your kids!! What neat pictures ~ ♥

  12. I believe the key to this lasting friendship tradition - is your common love of God and our Savior Jesus Christ - which has been the common thread throughout the years among you. I pray that all of these little kiddos with their growing friendships will claim His as their own someday also.

  13. Crystal, it makes me so happy to read this - I even got a little choked up. I love you guys so much!

  14. love you too, friend!! it was another great year with so many fun memories to cherish!

  15. Wow! You guys are going to need to rent out a conference center if you all keep having kids...LOL!

  16. That looks like quite the gathering!

  17. That is a TON of kids.....and, it's been my experience that a ton of kids equals tons of fun! :)

  18. What a fun tradition! Those pics are adorable!

  19. These pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!

  20. What a fun family gathering you all had!

  21. WOW that's a lot of kids! Nice to have such great friendships and that it extends to your kiddos isn't it?

  22. Wow! Looks like you guys had a ton of fun!

  23. How fun! The photos are fantastic!

  24. Oh what a wonderful tradition! I have a similar one at the 4th of July with my two closest friends from college and their families. Not quite the gaggle of kids you have there though. :)

    What a bunch of cuties!


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