Guess Who’s Back in Town?


A year ago today my SIL was due to have her first born, my sweet nephew Eli, who the circus children affectionately call “baby Ewi”.   I can’t believe he turns one next week!!    He’s in town this week eagerly awaiting the arrival of his daddy from Iraq for his R&R.

I am so thankful that I have a SIL who is willing to travel, b/c even though they live in El Paso, we’ve gotten to see them 4 times this past year!  (more than that really as one of those times was an extended 2 month visit to the area). 

It is my heart’s desire that my kids will have close friendships with their cousins and many fond memories of playing together growing up.  (with a few humorous photo sessions thrown in there as well)

IMG_1674 After capturing such a delightful group shot of the 5 of them, we decided to throw Pop in there too since it was his birthday celebration that we were gathered for… clearly the later photo session didn’t go as well as the former… but it def made for more laughs when looking through the pictures!!


  1. Really love the pictures - and the second one definitely made me laugh!! Have a great visit :-) Praying for safe travels for all and a terrific reunion

  2. both your sons have hilarious faces in that last one. i still can't believe we got them ALL smiling at one time in the first one. and yes, i'm pretty sure that's a smirk on your baby's face, so i'm counting it. :)

    SOOOOO good to be here. can't wait to hang this week!

  3. What terrific pictures of a most terrific and cute bunch of kiddos! I hope you guys have a great week full of many happy moments! I'm so thrilled for Stella and "Ewi" to be reunited with Jim for R&R! They are in my thoughts and prayers often. Circus Baby is most defintelely smiling in pic number one!

  4. yeehaw! That's awesome! It's doable when you make the effort to see family! WAY to go! TX to MD or the other way around. I'm impressed!

  5. Cute pics! Glad you are enjoying your family time.

  6. Enjoy your family time! These are such cute photos! :)

  7. I don't know how you always manage to get such great family photos, but I really LOVE that first one and still can't believe how big your baby is!!

  8. Michelle, the answer to your question is we don't always get such great photos... we take a gazillion (no exaggeration) photos... literally click, click, clicking away and then we end up with some gems.


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