My Favorite Tradition: Cutting Down Our Tree


The hunt begins…




Tree cart?



Now to find the perfect tree.

“How about this one I suggest?”

“No, that looks like an angel tree,” my son says.  “We need to find a star tree.”

My son doesn’t like when there are too many branches on the bottom as they are harder to cut down.  (We always pick spruces and they are quite painful and prickly).


But, I’m not convinced about the one with a dead spot on the bottom…even if it is easier to cut down.

And then we find it…

This years tree


Many hands make light work (or so they say)


Upon cutting it down, my youngest exclaims, “Now let’s cut down another one!”


As I watched my son struggle to put the tree on the cart, I realized how big he’s getting and how it won’t be long till he really can do it by himself.


And we head home, as the sun sets, ready to commence another advent season.


Visit here for more wordful Wednesday picture posts, and here for the more traditional wordless Wednesday posts.


  1. I think the kids have lots of fun. Great pictures.

    BTW, I like the tittle and the header of your blog.

    Stopping from Seven Clown Circus

  2. I love how much your pictures have changed over the years. Great memory shots. They look like they are having such fun. Where is the one of them sitting in front of the tree??

  3. That looks like so much fun. More fun then dragging out the perfect tree from a pile of wrapped trees at Home Depot! :)

    Happy WW!

  4. That is such a fun thing to do! We did it when we Lived in Pa I was always a lot of fun!.

  5. LOL, I agree with your daughter...wouldn't it be fun to cut another one??

  6. How fun! I wish we could have a real tree...I'm allergic to them!

    Glad to see you back! I was thinking about you this afternoon and hoping you were feeling okay.

  7. what a GREAT adventure - we have never done this!

  8. What a fun family outing!

    We went and got our tree too- from the garage!

  9. How cool! We're planning to visit our first tree farm this weekend. Based on your photos and experience, I know my girls will love it.

  10. Neato! I have always wanted to cut down my own tree, but never have.

  11. I love how you showed all of that. I never knew! Pathetic, I know.

  12. Just wanted to let you know: I didn't have the heart to retain your in-laws in NM. I confessed to them that the images of "snowbound TX" were merely of an Antartic blizzard with the empire penguins photo-shopped out.

    Not sure they minded....they seemed to enjoy Jude's tortilla soup, guacamole & fresh tortillas :)

    You should see them in a few days....

  13. What a great tradition! We have an activity planned for each day this month leading to Christmas, each on it's own link in our garland chain...but with a baby in the house we aren't getting out and doing things like this - my daughter would have loved that!

  14. That was me above...did I mention we have a baby in the house? {{dazed look}}

  15. About 5 years ago, we went with some friends to cut down a tree. One of the guys we went with convinced everyone that after the tree came down, everyone had to lick the stump- (this was before he had his own kids, of course...:) So now my children can't go a Christmas without "licking the stump". Sara even wrote about it as one of her special Christmas Traditions. So I'm looking at your pictures wondering why there's no licking!! :) I bet you can figure out who the "inventor" of this tradition was...

  16. What a wonderful family tradition. Can't wait to see it decorated!


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