We’re Going…


A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend of mine about the Steelers game.  She had offered her condolences on our loss against Tennessee.  I told her I wasn’t too worried about it because we were going to the play offs. 

She looked at my kind of incredulously and asked, “Really?”

“Yea,” I said.

“Your going to the playoffs?  That’s crazy.”

I was kinda confused, we were after all the leader of our division, and then it hit me…

“We, the Steelers, I said, not we Scott and Crystal.”

We both got a laugh out of the miscommunication. 

But this time, I mean it.

We’re going to the AFC Championship Game.



We, Scott and Crystal are going to watch the Steelers play the Ravens in the AFC Championship Game this Sunday at Heinz Field. 

I can not even tell you how giddy with excitement we both are.  I’m talking jump up and down screaming in the living room when I won the bid on ebay, excited.


I was talking with someone at MOPS the other night and when she saw my Steelers Super bowl tee, she asked if I was a Steelers fan.  I of course told her I was.

The next day she was at my house for the first time.  When she saw the Steelers flag hanging in front of the house, the Steelers wreath on my front door, and what my friends affectionately call my shrine in our entry way (I have a  table which I sit seasonal knick knacks on and for play offs it has a Steelers blanket as the table cloth with an autographed pic of Harrison, a framed card of Bettis, a Steelers ketchup bottle and a piece of 3 rivers field with a wooden Steelers ball sitting on it) she said, “Wow,your like REALLY Steelers fans!”

You could say that.


  1. How awesome!!! Yay, I'm so excited for you!

  2. Way cool! I don't follow football, but I'd definitely freeze my rear off to go to that game.

  3. ahhhhh!!!!! that's so exciting! i can't wait to hear all about it!!! just a tip- friends of ours went to heinz field for a game earlier this year and they brought their sleeping bags to zip up in while they were sitting. i thought that was a pretty smart idea. thought i'd share!

  4. I saw the title of your post and thought it was this or Disney World! I'm so excited for you guys - what an awesome game to go to! I don't know if I could handle it, I feel so nervoius just watching the games - but as soon as the Steeler's start kicking butt it will be great.
    Now...I know you have a plan....so you definitely need to share how you plan on staying warm...don't even pretend you haven't thought about it!

  5. Uhm, I'm sorry, but I thought I just read that you're going to the AFC Championship game here in Pittsburgh at Heinz stinking Field. But I'm sure I misread because no one could be that stinking lucky!!!!!

    What an exciting week for the circus...first you are the featured tackler and now you're going to see some real live tackling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Have so much fun!!!

  6. I have to confess I have never been a sports fan, but I have been following football more closely this year... I blame you. >^_^<

  7. So happy for you guys! Take plenty of pics and tell us all about it! I hope they win. :)

  8. man, except for the freezing wind-chill factor, i'm so stinkin' excited for you guys. i want every play-by-play, circus style!!!

  9. SO excited for you. Really. SO awesome that you get to go!

    Only wish Jason and I could be there next to you - wearing purple, of course!! :):)

  10. That is so awesome!! Hope you have a BLAST!! GO Steelers!!

  11. and a trip like this is even better when....THEY WIN!!! Congratulations on your win and your fun trip. Bet there's a mad crazy party happening at your house on the 1st!

  12. OH it was like I was there with you NEVER saw a big game but this was GREAT to read. Thank You

  13. I FORGOT ==I read it all to Pap He enjoyed it VERY much.


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