Looking Back, and Looking Ahead...

2008 was a good year at the Circus.

In February, I was blessed with a new niece.  You wouldn't have known this though because I didn't begin blogging until the end of March. The spring was also filled with fun family activities like going to a real circus, celebrating Easter, and watching the Blue Angels.   Summer held a trip to the beach, patriotic celebrations, my birthday, camping, sailboat races, and a reunion with friends.  My baby also turned one this summer.  How did that happen??  I trained for and ran in the Annapolis 10 Mile Race.  It was a big accomplishment for me and I was so excited to achieve my goal.

Fall marked a new stage of life as my little boy grew up.  Talk about time flying, he began preschool and soccer and suddenly didn't seem so little anymore.  We enjoyed a day at the farm, the county fair, and the pumpkin patch.  I also took a trip to Texas with friends for a MOPS convention (and sang karaoke for the first time).

And then the holiday season rushed in with costumes, turkeys, and a month long celebration of our Lords birth with the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes found only during the Christmas season.  Somewhere in there my oldest daughter became officially potty trained.  Yes, for Thanksgiving, I was given  one more thing to be thankful for...2 potty trained and only one kiddo in diapers!

2008 collage

As I look to 2009, I can only wonder what new circus acts await us.  There are a few 1/2 marathons I'd like to run this spring and fall.  We'd like to go to Texas to see my SIL and BIL this summer as well as do some camping in the great southwest.  My son will start kindergarten this fall!!!  I am still not sure if I will be home schooling him or sending him to school.  And there are many more adventures that I don't even have the slightest idea about.

Scott and I would like to be more intentional with our time this year.  We'd like to read  more and spend more time in the Word.  I'm eager to see how the Lord can use us for His purposes in the coming year.  I am excited about the fresh start and the new year.

By the way, this New Year's post, is extra special because it is also my 300th post!!  That means I have written 300 posts in only 9 months!  Thanks so much for reading and commenting; you don't know how much you brighten my day!

Happy New Year from the Circus!!


  1. Just a thought I had on the note of the Home schooling it is my intention to home school mine. If that's the route you decide to go, I would be very happy to do some joint things. I know The Girl would love the company and playmate.

  2. Even though I was a later starting Circus reader, in true blog stalker form I have read almost all of your archives. Creepy? Maybe so, but I just love me some Circus, kay?

    I can't wait to see what 2009 brings the Circus crew...and more importantly what the Circus crew brings to the year 2009!

  3. You are one amazing dedicated blogger! And mom and wife and all that stuff too!

  4. geez. 300?? you have had a busy year! it's so great to have this blog to enjoy daily life with you from so far away. and i can't wait for that TX trip!

  5. Wow! 300 in 9 months?! I love reading your posts, keep it up!
    I'm sure you'll make the right decision for your son regarding school. :)

  6. You bring a lot of happiness to us who read your blogs.
    We live daily with you. You make me laugh when I want to cry. Keep it up.


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