O Come Let Us Adore Him



IMG_2711I don’t remember what magazine or book I read it from, but a few years ago I found an idea for having a wise man celebration.  For some reason I recall it being on January 6th. And I decided it was a good idea.  But that year my entire family got struck with the stomach virus, so we skipped it.  But last year and this year we celebrated, thus making it a tradition at our house. 

We make stir fry or Chinese food (because the wise men came from the East) for dinner and we bake star shaped sugar cookies for dessert.  We wear crowns, like the kings and we watch the wise man movie (The First Noel).  IMG_2703

Since we are a young family, in many ways we are still shaping our traditions.  Since our first year of marriage we have hung a Jesus stocking.  In it Scott and I write a note about what we want to give to Jesus that year.  This year we decided to combine the Jesus stocking with Wiseman day.  We discussed as a family what we could like to do together as a gift for Jesus and the kids will draw a representative picture to put into the stocking. 

I like celebrating Wiseman Day because it provides another opportunity to tell and retell the Christmas story and to keep our focus on the real meaning of the season.   Typically the tree is down and the decorations are away by the 6th and it is nice to take some time to continue to dwell on Christ’s birth, after the “holiday season” is past.

Wiseman Day works for me and my family as it provides a fun family night with a focus on our Lord and on what we can give to Him as we worship Him.  To find more great ideas and helpful tips, visit Rocks in My Dryer.


  1. We will also be celebrating Three Kings day this year, although we won't be going at it full force until next year (when I feel a bit better)!

  2. You are amazing! You do sooo much good quality things with your kids you should win an award!

  3. I love that you're setting traditions with your family. Isn't that the best?!?

    BTW, no teasing. I'm really back. And thanks for all of your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. They were sooo needed and appreciated.

  4. La Dia de los Reyes (the day of the kings) is traditionally celebrated on January 6th. In the Hispanic world this is the day that gifts are given and it was then that Jesus was given his gifts. Christmas itself is celebrated but the whole town having a candle light procession to the church for Midnight mass on Christmas Eve. A child would be collected to run door to door to collect the villagers. Anyway, Children leave hay and carrots in there shoes on the door step the night of Jan 5th for the camels of the three kings and gifts are left in there shoes in return. The day of Jan. 6th is celebrated with a parade with townsmen play the parts of the kings.

  5. It is something I have been wanting to start with my family as well however the 6th kind of snuck up on me this year... maybe next.

  6. I sounds like a wonderful way to remember what the season is all about! Have a great new year!

  7. January 6th or Epiphany is when the Wise Men reached Jesus and is the end of Christmas. The 12 days of Christmas, like in the song, actually start on Christmas Day and end on January 6th.

  8. Great tradition - looks like you received a few ideas to add to your future celebration. I like that you remind us to continue to dwell on Christ after the distractions of the holiday rush. How wonderful that all odf our grandchildren have this wonderful tradition!!

  9. What a really neat tradition! And you're right, it would be nice to have more time to focus on Jesus than you usually have around Christmas with all the gifts and parties, etc.

  10. and they will remember this..what inspiration!

  11. How neat! I hadn't even heard of anything like this. Thanks for sharing! WE might have to add that to celebrations. :D

  12. I love it! My Puerto Rican friends always talk about celebrating this growing up, but they never made it sound that fun.


  13. I did a "Christmas Around The World" unit with my kids this year, and we found that many places do the bulk of their celebrating on January 6th, Epiphany. It looks like you have a really cute tradition starting.

  14. This is a great post-Christmas Christmas tradition! What a fantastic way to keep focussed - great set-up to keep growing together in the Lord...your kids see what you want to give God this year and then you get to talk about how you're doing that throughout the year. How cool! You guys are giving your children such a beautiful foundation and example. Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. What a great idea! I'll have to tuck this one in a holiday corner of my brain to pull out next year. Looks like a fun way to learn.


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