My Daybook



My Daybook: Monday January 12
Outside my window...the sun is shining brightly and Christmas lights still hang on the front of the house (though no longer on the roof…we’re half way there)
I am thinking...I really need to stop putting off folding the laundry piled beside my bed
I am thankful for... the Steelers victory last night advancing them to the AFC Championship
From the learning room…working on Catechism questions
From the kitchen... Scott will be making pancakes for him and the kids for dinner tonight
I am wearing...jeans and my Steelers Superbowl XL Champions Tee
I am creating... I am not that creative, I do hope to tackle hemming my sons pants this week, does that count?
I am MOPS tonight at my church (hence the pancake dinner tonight)
I am reading... Love Walked in by Marisa de los Santos, The One Year Chronological Bible, Teaching Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
I am hoping... my kids wake up in good moods
I am hearing...the sounds of my dishwasher running
Around the house...the kids are all napping quietly in their beds
One of my favorite things...home made bread rolls fresh from the oven
A few plans for the rest of the week: catch up on laundry, try to plan some snowman crafts to do with the kiddos

Here is picture thought I am sharing...


Do you think we could fit something else into that bed with her?


  1. Ha! I used to place each of my dolls and stuffed animals around me in bed at night--I didn't want anyone to get their feelings hurt...

  2. Here we Go Steelers, Here We Go!!!!! I'm so excited to. Wanna come over to watch the game????

    Funny...I'm reading Love Walked In also...are you in some sort of a Blogging Book Club by chance? Oh, and I have a coupon for Family Christian Bookstores that I am hoping to use on the One Year Bible!!! Ironic! I just need to get me's not a store I like to frequent with my gang of toddlers. And by that I only mean two, but still...

    When you're done with your laundry how about helping me with mine??? No? Okay... :)

    And lastly...adorable picture! I love how the dog sleeps with her! Too cute! I envy her coziness right about now! I'm ready for a good nap!

  3. yay that you're reading the book! yay for the steelers win - what a great day! i want some fresh homemade rolls - nothing can beat warm bread.

  4. I love the idea of a day book I always had trouble keeping a dairy that that simplifies things by giving you an idea of what to write about.

  5. I don't know, but Maggie sure looks comfortable up there with her!

  6. Newbie visiting from 5 minutes for Mom. Likewise my daughter is buried in plush toys and pets. Sometimes I call in late at night, the last minute check before I turn in myself and in the dark, more often than not I have a hard time finding the right bit to kiss.
    Best wishes and well done on your tackle.

  7. What an adorable picture! I always loved the site of my children sleeping ... actually I still like it! Even though they are teens, it's great to see them safe and sound tucked up in their beds. I hope your evening at MOPS went well!

  8. I love the cute that she's completely surrounded by all of her animals and dolls!

    I keep meaning to do the Simple Woman's Daybook. Maybe it will actually happen next week.


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