Eggnog Talks Part 2


Sometimes little snippets of the extraordinary appear in the midst of everyday life.  Right smack in the middle of a messy kitchen with trashcans overflowing, and kids walking around half naked, a conversation took place at our dining room table. 

Scott was having eggnog with the two oldest children and I had gotten the video camera out to catch my littlest one playing with the tripod.  She was walking around setting up the tripod and exclaiming, “Cheese.”  I wasn’t able to catch her saying it when the camera was on her but during this time, a conversation began which I soon realized I just might want to record.  Scott asked my son what the most important thing was…his answer touched our hearts. 

You’ll have to excuse the fact that all of our kids are half naked (we’d had pasta for dinner that night so I had taken off their shirts).  And I have no idea why my little girl is walking around with an empty milk carton in her stroller, we do have baby dolls, I promise.  Of course this most precious father/son conversation couldn’t have taken place on a night when the kids were dressed nicely (or even fully dressed for that matter) but that’s the circus life for you! And that is most certainly not the most important thing.

Take a few minutes and listen to what my four year old son said is the most important thing…

This conversation is a gift that we will cherish forever.  I am so thankful I was able to capture it and record it.  He knows the most important thing and that is all a parent could ask for.


  1. That's all a Grandparent can ask for, too!!
    Precious, precious, precious.

  2. Wow, how nice to have his early thoughts recorded ... all I got on video last week was some sledding action in PA ... but ... at least my kids had shirts on!

  3. He's RIGHT!! He knows the Most important thing. Keep up the eggnog talks - imagine the topics of the next 15 years!!

  4. This is so cool. I've really enjoyed the "eggnog talks" posts. Keep 'em coming!

    You guys amaze me.

  5. What a smart boy! And what a great conversation!

    On a laughable note, I love not only the lack of shirts in this clip, but the "crack" that is shown by your daughter every time she reached for her nog! :) hehe

  6. What a precious moment - and how wonderful to have it captured on video!

  7. P.S. I think we are hogging up all of the fat baby genes in the family...

  8. What a wonderful memory to have recorded! And how wonderful your 4 yo gets The Most Important Thing. I love the idea of the eggnnog talks. Keep us posted on others!

  9. Ohhh, Crystal. SO, totally precious! It's so amazing that he can verbalize that so clearly. What an adorable little guy.

    I'm SO glad to see that someone else's house is as chaotic as mine!

  10. that is so cool! isn't it encouraging to know that our kids "get it" when we have so many days wondering if we are doing anything right. well, at least that's the case for me.

  11. I have to say that it's been a while since I've visited the circus. I lost a lot of my favs after a computer change.

    I am astounded. My jaw hit the floor. Your son seems wise beyond his years. Not sure how old he is, but that is simply amazing.

    You are clearly doing an awesome job! What an encouragement for me.


  12. LOVE IT....Love that your little man has such an astute understanding of The Most Important Thing at Christmas and always. I love that he is so verbal and able to explain things...that's awesome. I love that you guys are such great parents...such great teachers...oh I love that. And I love your baby girl's chubby belly! So cute! And I couldn't help but giggle over your middle child's posterior shots...those dern low rise pants the kids wear these days. :)

    Seriously...I am so glad to have made it to the circus for the laughs and the well taught theology lesson! Bravo!

  13. Wow, that is one of the sweetest things I have watched in a long time. That melts this mama's heart, so I can only imagine how you were feeling.

    Love those eggnog talks!

  14. Very cute. It's such a proud TRUELY happy moment when your kids "get it"! Congratulations! =)

  15. Awwww, that's enough to bring tears to your eyes!!

  16. I'm weepy! Praise God!


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