The Pitty Part


As a kid I really enjoyed being on stage.  Had a rather significant part in our church musical when I was in third grade which led me to believe I had skill…even did a few plays in middle school (with embarrassing tales of their own to be shared on future Thursdays) but the high school band plays were my low points.

Each spring our school would put on a play written by our band director.  She was a kind lady with a heart of gold.  She wrote these plays set in the time of Laura Ingalls Wilder, with the small town charm and old dresses.  I believe there were two if not three of these productions.

Each year I’d go to try outs where we’d get to read through portions of the play.  And each year I’d be hopeful that this would be my year to land a significant part. 

Only each year when she would announce the parts, I was always given the part of a character who strangely wasn’t in the play when we did the read through.  Like magic I’d go to see the list of parts and find a new character had appeared on the cast and my name was beside her. My director would write in a part, giving me a line or two that used to belong to someone else.   Overnight the nice country family had an extra daughter named Carrie Jo!  I’d be sitting on stage during the family scenes, stringing popcorn or stirring in a wooden bowl and I’d get to say my line or two. 

stringing popcorn 2

I of course saw right through the Carri Jo facade and knew she was just being kind to poor Crystal.  While it was disappointing in some ways, in others it worked out fine.  I got to go to practice each day and hang out with all my friends while doing very little work.  Looking back I have nothing but fond memories of the times spent rehearsing observing in the church auditorium.  Though I do get a chuckle out of my made up role in the production. 



Check out We Are THAT Family if you’re interested in reading others blasts from the past!


  1. Your play story is the reason why I never tried out for plays. Somehow I just knew that I would have had the same results.

  2. So sad and yet funny (now)....I have my own {drama}tic past!

  3. Yes, but you are a STAR now!!!!!! And we love you!!!!!

  4. I think that is why our director never had us read the play he a Try out script that you could use or you could prepare your own material. So no one ever really knew if they got the pity part. (Though I have my suspicions)

  5. Well, at least you got to hang out with your friends! The socialization is a big part of participating in things like that, anyway.

    However, you are star of this blog! You gotta love that!

  6. I agree with Rebecca, maybe it made you more of a star today. And I think you make a good director to with your children being quite the little actors. ;)

    I was always too shy to do plays.

  7. That is sadly sweet or sweetly sad or how about just sweet!!! It's nice to have those memories! And as for your attending the Steelers game .... excruciatingly jealous - have a great time!!! (My hub has been a Steeler's fan since he was born, I am pretty sure, and our baby is nicknamed "The Bus" for good reason)


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