Weenie Whistle


15717AC-3177 (blog)  2 days before Christmas, Scott was talking with our son and he mentioned how he asked Santa for a remote control Lighting Mcqueen car. 

OK here's a slight problem because we hadn't gotten him a remote control one.   I had just gotten him a little matchbox size mcqueen car for his stocking (because Santa does the stockings at our house). 

So, I went out to Target on Christmas Eve to try to find a remote control Lighting Mcqueen car, with no such luck.  

I still wasn't too worried about it until that evening at church a friend told us how our son had told him that he had asked Santa for a remote control Lightning Mcqueen car. 

YIKES... now it has come up quite a few times.... ya know a few days notice and I could have ordered it on amazon. 

tossing the reindeer food in the yard After leaving out milk and cookies for Santa (as well as Christmas cards which they made for him) and sprinkling reindeer food on the back lawn,  we read through Luke 2 and put the kids to sleep. 

I really started to feel bad about the remote control car.  Scott said we should have told him it wouldn't fit in his stocking, that would have helped prepare him.

YES!  Why didn't I think of that?!?!

So, I went back to the kids room and had a little chat with my son.  (Yes, I went in and disturbed my almost sleeping son on Christmas Eve...)

Son:  almost asleep, sitting up in bed (Mom?)

Me:  Yea, I was thinking...ya know how you asked Santa for a remote control Lighting McQueen car?

Son:  Yea

Me:  Well, I was thinking, that might be pretty big and I am not sure if it would fit in your stocking.

Son:  Oh, well what about a little Lightning Mcqueen car, since I lost mine?

Me:  Yes, that is a great idea, I bet he could do that...I'll leave him a note for you

Son:  Leave a hundred notes.

Son:Bbut what if he doesn't have one with him?

Me:  Maybe he carries around extras incase

I went back to the living room so relieved.  My husband looked at my quizzically and asked if I felt better.  I said, "Yes, I was really worried it would be his weenie whistle."  (ever seen the movie The Santa Claus??)

everything ready for SantaWe don't stress Santa that much at our house, he isn't what Christmas is about, but we do let them play the Santa game.

I would be totally fine if he figures out the truth about Santa.  He's a bright one and I don't think it'll be too long before he figures it out.  We talk often about pretend verses real. 

BUT, I didn't want him to find out because he woke up Christmas morning disappointed.  That would just be sad.

Christmas morning when he checked his stocking and found a little Lighting Mcqueen car his response was, "YES!" 

And I gave a huge sigh of relief.  :-)


  1. Pretty cute story - since it had a happy ending :-)
    At least your children really do know what Christmas is all about and happily celebrate it. GLad that it wasn't a sad ending to the fun.

  2. I loved it! That reminded me of when mine were little. Out of the mouths of babes. They are so innocent and make you sit back and think about how fast time goes. Not to many children know the "true" meaning of Christmas anymore. It's the little things that count.

  3. Your husband Scott is so smart! I'm glad it worked!

  4. I hope he doesn't encounter his "Weenie Whistle" for a long time...


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