Swept Away in Dream Land...


Yesterday I stumbled across this article in Wonder Magazine.

My husband and I have been doing lots of talking and planning regarding our family's future... Do we want a fourth child or are we content with three?  Do we want to send our son to public school next year or will we home school?  Do we start saving now so we have the option of sending the kids to private school for Middle or High School? 

So many questions, so many things to consider... lots of prayer and talking.

After reading the article I called my husband at work in the middle of the day and said, "How about we take the family on a trip around the world instead of sending them to private school?" 

And I was a bit serious.

I have gotten sucked in by this family's adventure.  Doesn't it sound incredible?  We could literally make the world our classroom. 

I found the article online and forwarded it to him at work.  I then stumbled across the family's web site and "How To" guide and spent all of nap time reading and dreaming. 

This is a far fetched dream with many reasons why it would never work for us, yet I found myself saying, "Hmmm  could we save so that it could maybe, just maybe be a possibility to consider in the future?" And I imagined bicycling across Europe with the kids... visiting the great Wall of China.... swimming in the Mediterranean....Can't you just imagine the blogging fodder it would give me as the circus crew takes on the world?

And for a few hours anyway, I took a step back from the closer questions of "Do we want a fourth child?" and "How will we educate our son next year," and instead imagined carting literally across the world with our children in tow and experiencing together as a family this great big world our God made.  Because the world is a whole lot bigger than the U.S. of A. 

Now I am back to folding laundry, putting away fall decorations, and buying groceries.  We've got an appointment at the local elementary school next week to observe the kindergarten class and Scott and I still aren't sure if we want to increase the size of our circus crew.  But visions of international travel now dance in my head as well...


  1. Well...I saw this family on TLC or some such channel and was floored by it. Amazing...I'm sure you gain a whole new perspective on life doing that.

    Things that seem so important suddenly become unimportant.

    And...about the size of the circus...my husband has cut me off from having anymore babies (which is so sad, sometimes) and so I have to live vicariously through other people....so keep em coming!!!! Pregnancy and labor and babies are great blog fodder!

  2. Wow!!!! I am right there with you! I didn't think about international travel, necessarily, but as I think about my oldest entering Kindergarden next year, I'm enjoying the unstructured way of unschooled life thus far. Keep us posted! Of course, my hubby is ant-homeschool, so my dreams are just that for now....

  3. Wow - I am so fascinated by their story - what an amazing trip! Definitely had me dreaming a bit too...

  4. I loved their plan too. I was jealous too--it's not something my hubs would even consider.

  5. So, how about allowing your relatives at the Heights tag along?? We'll piggy back to Europe, but then I'll be stuck there in every museum, cathedral, basilica and piazza for years. :)

    On other issues, such as adding a performer to the circus...you are AMAZING parents, so if anyone could pull it off, it would be you!

  6. i say public school is great for when they are younger and there is dis advantages and advantages to putting your children through public school when older too. as far as having more children to add to your family i say go for it as long as u can afford it and u both want more. Babies are blessings from God to Families.

  7. That would be so much fun and so educational as well. I love to travel!! I hope you all get to do something like that someday.

  8. Hey girlie, our roomie of this past year married a man that did just this. He litterally went around the world in a sailboat for 7 years. To hear his stories and to see some of the pictures on his page is amazing! I can feel that dream for that is our own thought for our little family. God sure does tantalize the mind, doesn't he! Keep on dreaming girl! Wherever they may lead you and your sweet babes!


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