For Those Who Care...


I am one happy girl tonight.

Why, you ask?

The Steelers beat the Ravens... and if that wasn't reason enough to rejoice, doing so clinched them a spot in the play offs AND a first round bye. 

I had a realization about myself while watching the game though.  I don't really enjoy watching the game unless we are winning.  Really.  I was literally sick to my stomach with worry for much of the game.  It wasn't till the last 30 seconds that I was really smiling. 

Yet again, we had to do a good ol' DVR pause in the middle of the game so my son and I could go to church for catechism class.  Living in Ravens territory, next door to crazy Ravens fans who invite all their friends into their back shed to watch the game, I was so terrified, I'd find out the score of the game before I got safely to my couch.

Honestly, when class was over, my son and I snuck out the back door to the church, in the dark, ran around the side, literally sprinted through the parking lot (looking at NO ONE) and into the minivan.  We did not turn the radio on in the van, instead listening to a Christmas CD.  I called my husband on my way home and had him unlock and open the front door so we could make a mad dash into the house. 

Perhaps part of the reason I was so tense when watching the game is b/c I started so tense, worrying I would learn something about the game. 

As I sat on the couch with my hubby, to begin the third quarter, my heart was already racing with the adrenaline from my ride home from church.

But, thankfully, Ben pulled it out in the end with a 90 yard drive for a touchdown.  And even though there is some controversy bout that touchdown (we won't go there) WE WON!! 


Also, for those interested...the fantasy football stats are in...

I am in the final round of the play offs.

Scott won last week with a score of 82-75.  But to get into the final round of the playoffs, you have to have the highest score from 2 weeks of play.  I beat him in week two with a score of 86-77....making the final score 161-159.


And like I predicted, it isn't fun to beat your hubby. 

It isn't fun when you can't walk around talking about how excited you are to have won.   (guess we've also learned I am a gloater).

It isn't fun when you just silently check you score, say nothing, and go to bed.


But next week, next week when I win, oh baby... I can gloat and talk and even smile.  Because next week I play a friend of ours from Scott's work, not my hubby/best friend. 

Two weeks to go till we know who wins the league... and I want to win me a jersey for my man!!

(For those who have no idea what I am talking about, read this post from last week)!


  1. Well, I for one do care about your football watching/fantasy playing excitement! I was driving in the car to Wal-Mart (shudder) when the controversial touchdown took place on the radio...I didn't get to see it until later on NFL Network. I am not as schooled as you are in the game so I have no opinion if that was really a touchdown other than I am just so glad it was ruled that way. I know, terrible, huh?

    Happy Monday to you!

  2. Being married to a NAVY Fan Man I know of what you speak. I was so hard to not call you and celebrate with you - but I had no idea when you were able to watch the end of the game. Ben sure likes to win in the few seconds.
    Crystal, congratulations.
    Love you both!

  3. I care! I was caroling with folks from church and had to check as soon as we got back.
    Also, I lost my FF game last night so I didn't make the finals. :( But I'm glad you did - resprenting female football fans everywhere!

  4. go steelers! we were at applebees and instead of being social, i kept checking the score over our friends' shoulders. shame on me. i don't know anything about the touchdown - but glad we won!

  5. what a game! two weeks in a row the steelers have been AMAZING!! and congrats to you my friend as well. can i just give you my money sunday when i see you? yay!!!

  6. We are cheering you on!! Go girl and can't wait to see hubby strut that new jersey you win!!! What a game - and then the PLAYOFFS :-) Do I feel a SuperBowl party coming?!?!?!


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