The way They Love Him


As Scott and I worked to put together the scrapbook and video collage for our son’s 1st birthday, we looked at lots and lots of pictures and video clips. 

As we did, one reoccurring theme, was brought to mind.

This boy is adored by his siblings.

He really has been from day 1.  And by day 1, I mean, the day Scott and I told them about the baby in my belly.  But as we watched videos and looked at pictures of him at the hospital, coming home from the hospital, getting his first bath, changing his diapers, eating his first solid foods, drinking from a sippy cup, eating finger foods, crawling, standing… at each milestone, each new phase for him… you see 3 cheerleaders by his side.  Smiling and clapping, exclamations of “he did it!” ring over and over. 

As we celebrated his birthday, that love shone brightly though again.   They’re there, in his face , by his side, excitedly watching him open his gifts, eating his first bite of cake, watching his video that Daddy made.  They are excited.   They are involved.    The girls decided, on their own, to wear their big sister outfits… the same ones they wore when they met him at the hospital.  And they each made him thoughtful cards for his birthdayIMG_2655My heart was so full as I looked at that love. Overflowingly full. I love the way they love him.   And my hearts desire, is that that love will only grow.  That they will be lifelong friends forever.  IMG_2663

By the way, if your friends with me on face book, you can see the video by clicking on my wall. 


  1. Oh, my goodness. He is so cute! My little guy just hit 15 months. It goes so fast!

  2. This made me cry!! Mostly because the relationships your kids have with each other I'd what I'm praying for Sammy and Piper to have. Love your sweet family!!

  3. Really? Could there be anything sweeter than this? I love how they decided to wear their big sister/brother outfits for him at his bday celebration! Cheerleaders is a great word for them as I can see they've been totally rallying for him from day one! I'll never forget the pictures of them looking at him so full of love and dotingly when he was first born...which seems more like yesterday and not this time last year! I echo love love your sweet family!


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