Flag Day Fun

flag day


1.  June 14, the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the official US flag in 1777.

2.  Justification for purchasing those fun patriotic outfits and crafts b/c “It’s not just for the 4th of July you can use them on Flag Day too”.


The kids enjoyed making their own American Flags out of ribbon.  They will serve as a great patriotic decoration in our home through the 4th of July.


Flag Day Lasagna: inspired from Family Fun magazine


A super big shout of of thanks goes to Miss Jen for making these adorable coordinating patriotic dresses!!


Dress up Ice Cream Sandwiches by rolling them in coordinating sprinkles.  Idea taken from Family Fun again.  But, I skipped the popsicle sticks and let the kids dip their own.  This was super easy and could be easily adapted to any holiday… hmmm black and gold Sprinkles for Steelers games anyone?

This has got to go down as my favorite flag day celebration yet… flag day with friends is definitely the way to go in my book! 



  1. Oh my gosh..I LOVE how you got really into Flag Day!! Your children will appreciate all these traditions when they are older!!! And I love that lasagna!!!! So cool!

  2. Kudos to you, yet again! Love all of it, especially those dresses!!! They turned out great!

  3. Those dresses are super cute! And I'm incedulous that you pulled out all the stops for Flag Day...wow! Amazing! Pretty darn good looking lasagna!

    I get Family Fun magazine sent to my email...sadly, I rarely do the crafts in it. Shameful, I know. Look at you rock the crafts!


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