A Tribute to the Circus Dad


They say having kids changes things.

And they are right, it does.

daddy meets his sonI remember so vividly after our first son was born.  My heart had grown at least triple in size.   As I held him in my arms, it was love, pure love at first sight.   But, in addition to that, my love for Scott, had quadrupled as well.  I never felt more supported, more cared for, more in awe, than I did that first night after becoming parents.  Scott was awesome.  He was totally there for me for the whole labor and delivery.   He was the exact support I needed.  He was my coach and team mate all in one and I never felt closer to him than I did after delivering our baby. 

And from that moment, from the very beginning, I knew we were in this together.   I couldn’t ask for a better Dad for my kids.  Scott is so hands on and involved.  That first week he changed every single diaper for our son.  In fact the first diaper I changed was over a week after he was born.  

Even though I am the one staying home with the kids, he is my partner.  I can call him in the middle of the day when I need to run something by him.  When I need to look at things differently.  When I need to vent.  When I have no idea what to do.   

When Scott gets home from work he is on.  Right away, the moment he walks in the door.  He could have had a long and stressful day at work, but he greets the kids with a smile, a hug, sometimes even a song.  

DSC00134He somehow strikes a balance between working hard and yet putting family first.  I honestly don’t know how he does it.  He manages to make time to get to the girls gymnastics classes, keep score at the baseball games, attend the cub scout meetings, ref the soccer games, AND yet fulfill his obligations at work.  I know this often means going in early other days, staying late other days and or making up time on a Saturday.  But, he always manages to pull through. 

IMG_0315Scott isn’t the kind of dad to sit on the sidelines.  We don’t have to hire entertainment at birthday parties.  He IS the entertainment… dressing as Darth Vader to battle the Jedi knights… or serving as swamp monster to throw the kids in the water.  IMG_1379

He has a wisdom about him, that truly amazes me.  He can talk to the kids and explain things to them in a way that they understand.  He is a fabulous disciplinarian.   He gets to the heart of the issue.


I couldn’t ask for a better Dad for my four children.   And I couldn’t imagine the circus life without him by my side. 

Happy Fathers Day Circus Dad!  We are so blessed to have you!!


  1. what a wonderful post and tribute to Scott!

  2. I get it. I really do. Chris is "on" from the moment he gets home, too. Fully functional, in up to his neck, and as tired as I am. Men like that are a gift from God. So happy God blessed us both.

  3. Circus Mom,
    That is a beautiful and respectful tribute to your husband. I know he feels the same way about you. I am so blessed to know and watch the Love and Respect you have for each other. There is a smile in my heart and on my face.

  4. Sniffle, sniffle! What a sweet post about a sweet dad! Hope Scott had a super awesome Father's Day!


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