Why Do I Do This to Myself?


I am just gonna come out and say it… ya know those cutesie little stick people families you see on the back of minivans these days?

I want one.

But, I struggle with this for many reasons.

1. I am a tad embarrassed.  Like maybe those little stick people families are too cutesie and my friends will laugh and roll their eyes when they see me pull into the parking lot.

2.  I don’t think I deserve one.  Those cute lil stick people families seem like they belong on the back of a minivan that is clean and organized.  It seems like moms of stick families drive vans free of trash and toys littering the floor.  They’re the moms who arrive to practice on time, with water bottles and a nice big blanket for the family to sit on and watch practice.  Doesn’t seem like they belong to the moms who show up with children wearing mixed matches shoes, who forgot their water bottles and who bring their light sabers to battle while they wait for their sibling to practice.   

3.  Lastly, let’s just say I got over my stick people issues, how in the world do I choose?  

I’ve spent a fair amount of time this week browsing the good ol’ world wide web looking for stick people to represent the circus fam.  And let me tell you, it ain’t easy.   How in the world do you find one person to adequately caricaturize your family member?  Honestly, mine and baby number 4 are the easiest… there are a plethora of “mom juggling” stick people to pretty much Family Stickers, Family Car Stickers, Family Decals, Family Car Decalssum up myself.  And thankfully with the one year old, I pretty much have to choose between baby holding bottle, baby with pacifier and baby crawling or walking.  But how do I pick Scott’s?  Do I go with working man?  Doesn’t that seem like maybe he is a work-a-holic?  He likes to barbeque, but does that really sum up his whole persona?  Not really…And while he does enjoy drinking a beer every now and again, I highly doubt that is the symbol he wants gracing the back of the van. family window sticker If only they had a guy on a sailboat… I have searched and searched for this to no avail.  If he did karate, I could find that, but sailing, no such luck.    And what about the kids?  My son likes baseball, is a cub scout, enjoys playing army and legos and Star Wars… how does one pick one activity, one symbol to describe him?   And the girls??  They both love soccer and gymnastics… can I find a gymnast kicking a soccer ball?  No….

What are your thoughts on the stick people gracing the backs of minivans in front of you on the road?  Do you have one?  How did you pick?  What do you think I should pick for us?  Or do you think I should leave well enough alone and not bother with the stick people on the back of the circus mobile?


  1. I have a stick family on my mini van. And yes I toyed with the fanciness of the characters and which to choose for whom. After much thought I decided to get the boring ones with no expression of who we are. I figured this way people that wanted to know about us would take the opportunity to ask. And they have. Mostly because of our angel winged kitty stick figure but none the less that leads into many stories of my happy little family. Peoples interests are forever changing but their hearts remain the same.

  2. Great idea Shelby... stay tuned... am sure the saga of the circus mobile will pop up again soon. :-)

  3. Love it! I got a gift card for my b'day! I totally love those stick people! And if it means I have to have it together well then I'm just going to totally have to break that rule in wild abandon! Excuse me...someone is about to kill themselves over here! The laundry is in piles...and the baby just ate something...I'm not quite sure what he ate! :)

  4. We got the ones from Target, just ordinary that way that don't really have to change until the girls get older.

  5. Pardon me for laughing, but this post did humor me! I love that you have analyzed the stick people thing. I mean, the part about stick people belonging on the backs of vans of moms who have it all together...hilarious...

    I have given the stick family some thought in passing moments but haven't searched the web or looked in stores or them. I'd probably be tempted to buy an extra stick baby just to show Derek that the topic really shouldn't be so closed...

    So, I say...the Circus should totally do a stick family and without knowing what all is out there to choose from, I'm not sure I can guide you there. I'd need to look at the selection. But maybe saying less is saying more with those. Perhaps there's more room for change and growth and conversation starters in a more "standard stick people representation."

    Can't wait to see what you decide!

  6. I like those stick figures too. I am sure you will find the perfect ones for your family. ;)

  7. I want one, too! But I never thought it would be complicated. I may need to reconsider!


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