Growing up Fast


IMG_1193There were moments, many moments, this year when I doubted.  I wondered if I was giving him what he needed, if  he was on par with where the public school was.  I wondered what I was thinking, was it worth the battles, and the mess around my house.   Days when I shoved school work aside as I put dinner on the table before quickly rushing out the door for practice.   Truthfully, the hardest thing for me is the mess… is letting the mess go so we can concentrate on school work. 

But, then there are nights like last night.  Nights where we stop and we look back over the year as a whole and I realize how far we’ve grown, how much he’s learned and I realize that it was the right choice for us, for this year.  The sacrifices were worth it. 

At the beginning of the year, he could read.  He could read words on a page, but he wasn’t a reader.  Now he reads books.  I love peeking in on him after I’ve kissed him goodnight and see him snuggled in his bed with his Bible.

The thing he was most excited about learning this year was “script.”  I loved that he called it that too.  He couldn’t wait to write in script.  And I must say, I am quite proud of his cursive.IMG_1292

IMG_1223We learned parts of speech and how to label them in a sentence, as well as how to carry the one in triple digit addition.  We learned all about the state we live in and important landmarks and people in our country.   And this spring he finally mastered tying his shoes!

I am so thankful, so very thankful, for the tutorial he’s enrolled in.  I am IMG_1235thankful for the community and accountability it provides.  It’s provided the best of both worlds for us as we homeschool and it, like home schooling this year, has been worth the sacrifices required.

IMG_1276Summer’s here and the school year is done.  I am thankful for the extra time I had with my son this year, by choosing home school.  I am proud of the young man he is growing up to be.  And I am marveling, truly marveling, at how quickly the time is passing. Here I sit with my second grader.


  1. Is is bad..that I'm choked up! Good job both of you!

  2. {lumpy throat} WTG Circus crew! Too bad my boy thinks your son has it "easy" and gets to "play all day" since he's homeschooled!!!! LOL

  3. Absolutely wonderful!

  4. Sniffle, sniffle!

    I don't know how you did it, but wow. Just wow. You're amazing! Both of you are! Congrats to both of you on a successful year! Can't wait to hear your plans for second grade!


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