Sum, Sum, Summa time!!


With temperatures in the nineties this weekend and heat indexes in the hundreds, I’d swear we were celebrating the 4th of July this weekend rather than Memorial Day.  We seemed to have gone from winter to summer, with very little spring in between.    Wasn’t it just a few short weeks ago we were bundled up at baseball practice in our coats and hats?  IMG_1387

The kids don’t seem to mind a bit.  This weekend was so refreshing.  We went for a walk/bike ride, we went to the park, we took a little hike, we had a cook out with friends, we went swimming and this morning at 9:30 am the kids were already in their suits and running through the sprinkler! 


And while some couldn’t get enough of the cool sprays of water,




Others of us are a bit more hesitant when comes to being sprayed in the face…


Popsicles have been promised for this afternoon after quiet time.  What are some of your kids favorite summer time activities?


  1. it was just about a week ago we were bundles up with coats

  2. Love that you are that close to the water - that would be a dream come true! We will swim swim swim all summer long - with breaks for cheap movies and parks as well.

  3. I love it!!! We pulled the sprinkler out yesterday for our kids and they had a blast! Jenny was in the middle of it, loving the water in her face.

  4. Our sailing club is on our 2 week Spring cruise. We, being KIDS at heart have looked forward to this for weeks. Anyway. . . We four sailing vessels decided that it was way smarter to go to a marina (with electricity for air conditioning) than to spend another night anchored out, with the heat index around 100, with NO breeze and evenings that DO NOT cool down so very much. We being smarter than you think is a good thing because you came from the same gene pool. ~~*/)~~

  5. Well, hubby ran over the hose, so we couldn't use the sprinkler today or yesterday. My crew enjoyed the wading pool and water balloons instead....


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