My Gifts This Mothers Day


I am sure Scott and the kids have something planned for me on Sunday… or at the very least, I am sure by Sunday morning they will have something planned for me on Mother’s Day.  They never fail to make me feel cherished.

But the truth is, as I ponder this Mother’s Day, I can’t help but give thanks for the many gifts they’ve already given me… those precious moments each and every day, which I long to bottle up and savor forever…

The sound of his giggle when you kiss his neck….

The smile on her face and song in her voice from the minute she wakes up in the morning…

The way she walks into the living room and instantly flips into a handstand or flips over the back of the couch…

The manner in which he can turn everything, EVERY-SINGLE-THING into something Star Wars related…

her total and complete love for her big brother… I do believe she’d follow him to the end of the earth and back…


her cartoon character like voice…

the look of pure joy and glee on his face when you go to feed him…

watching him walk around the back yard defending the galaxy with his light sabers and toy guns…

her block creations…


the weight of him in my arms as he drifts softly to sleep…oh I thank God that my last baby is a snuggler… what a gift that is!

watching him read the Special Bible story to his sisters at night…


her thumbs up through the window of the gym when she nails her pullover…

the look of pure glee on her face as she dribbles the ball down the field and scores a goal…IMG_9969

the way each of them looks at night asleep in their beds… I never knew how immensely moving it is to watch your child sleep… it melts your heart.


This Mother’s Day I am overwhelmed… truly over whelmed with gratitude for the four amazing gifts God has given me and the true joy and privilege it is to be their Momma!

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  1. I *love* this.

    It is evident in a million ways how much you love those precious babes.

    Happy Mother's Day, Crystal!

  2. I just noticed that your littlest one sleeps like his big sister--legs crossed, flopped forward : )

  3. So beautiful! (tears ) Have a wonderful Mother's Day. What gift could be any more precious than those listed here :-)

  4. I feel like so many of these apply to my kids as well. What a great post! I too love watching/ taking pictures of them sleeping :) . . . and the total and complete love for the big brother- I love it!


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