Summer School


Just because it is summer, doesn’t mean we have to stop learning here at the circus.  God presented us with a wonderful science lesson, right in our back yard.  The best part is, I don’t even have to do any prep work for the lessons!IMG_0606

A very brave and trusting Momma Robin built a nest under our deck.  Apparently, she doesn’t require peace and tranquility to feel safe as our crew stomps back and forth across our deck belting out songs or squeals or tantrums from morning till night. 

Because of the location she chose to build her nest it is pretty much impossible to see inside.

Though my brilliant husband  is not easily thwarted by Momma Robins. 

 IMG_0679First he took the camera from our baby video monitor and set it up beside the nest so that the kids could watch her on the video  monitor inside the house.  The first night we let them sleep with the monitor in their room.  They feel asleep watching the Momma bird sit in her nest.  Then the bird cam was moved to the kitchen counter so we could keep tabs on her throughout the day. 

I still wanted a glimpse of the actual eggs.  Scott found a mirror and was able to snap a picture of the eggs using the mirror. 


This afternoon as we were watching the bird cam I noticed some movement in the nest.  I was fairly certain the eggs had hatched and when Scott got home he was able to prove my suspicion correct!  If you look closely at the bottom bird you can actually see his beak!  I can’t believe how tiny they are!


This poor Momma bird comes and goes all day long bringing food back for her baby birds…I thought I had it bad nursing all day and night, but at least I don’t have to go hunt it down! 


  1. how cool! And isn't it great how you have a teeny tiny baby and you are still able to think and blog. It's crazy how different number 4 is compared to number 1, huh?
    I'm still so pumped that we both had boys!

  2. Bet the kiddos were delighted to see the babies!! Keep us posted on how the feedings and flight lessons go :-)

  3. Ask Scott if he remembers baby parakeets.

  4. That is so neat! Is there anyway to post a video of her feeding the birdies? I've never seen them that small before! We have a nest in the corner of our roof....but can't see whats happening.

  5. That is so cool!!! Very smart of your hubby to set it up like that!

  6. That's amazing!!! I don't think I've ever seen birds that "new." Look at that sweet little fluff! Great pix!

  7. That is so amazing! And I love God's timing, giving you this miracle of nature to go along with your new miracle. Bet your kids are in heaven!

  8. Oh my gosh what a beautiful thing to share. Thank you so much I'll have to bring the kids by in the am so they can see too they will luv it


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