It’s a Boy!!


This week we welcomed a new member to our family.  IMG_8653

Our sweet baby boy was born this week…

weighing in at 8 lbs 14 oz and measuring 20” long.  IMG_8685

It was love at first sight for all of us.  We really can’t get enough of him, so it seems.  IMG_8737 I can’t wait to fill you in on the labor story and share the pictures from his fist visit with his big brother and sisters.  Nor can I wait to share all the gazillions of photos we’ve been snapping as we strive to bottle up and savor each precious moment this past week.   IMG_8815

I will leave you with these snapshots of his first few hours.  Check back often this week as we’ll have many more pictures and details to share.    For now, please join us in celebrating his healthy and safe arrival into our family. IMG_8828


  1. Congratulations!!! A boy!! So exciting. That last picture of him is gorgeous!! Look at those cute little features! Enjoy the early moments!

  2. Congratulations!!! How exciting that you have brothers in your family, now!! He is absolutely beautiful!

  3. congratulations! CONGRATULATIONS! OOOOOHHHH! I'm so excited for you! And it's a boy! A boy! I can't wait to hear more details. He is a beauty! Ohhhhh! Okay, this is me gushing gushing gushing over the internet, but if only you could see me in person! Happy little birthday little (or should I say nice and healthy and on the bigger side of things) guy!

  4. Woo Hoo!!! He's perfect in every way. A BOY!!!! That's just great!!!

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! He's beautiful! I hope you are both recovering well and I can't wait to hear your birth story!

  6. I wish I could articulate just how happy I am for you! I'm over the moon and delighted to be sharing in the joy of your sweet baby boy. He really is precious and something to be totally smitten with! I, too, can't wait to hear all the details of everything! And hopefully, before he gets too big, I can meet him and give him a squeeze even if I have to come to you!

    Super excited for you guys as you savor and enjoy this truly special time! Soak it all up momma!

  7. He is so precious!! I'm so happy for your family. : )

  8. Oh congrats congrats congrats!!!! So happy for you! He is so adorable! xoxoxo

  9. Welcome to the world, little buddy! We have been waiting for you!! He's precious, Crystal. We'll have to get our babies together this fall! :)


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