So Glad That Some Things Never Change


Our conversations used to be about teachers and homework, now they are about how we’re going to school our own kids.  We used to discuss boys and dream about our future, now many of us are married to those boys and discuss how many children we plan to have.  They were the ones I called when Scott first told me he liked me, and when he first kissed me, and when he asked me to be his wife.  They were also the ones I couldn’t wait to tell when we were expecting our first baby (and our 2nd, and our 3rd, and our 4th). 

So many things have changed since we were in high school.  We’ve traded in the plaid uniform kilts for nursing bras and maternity clothes.   We see each other a lot less frequently.  Used to be we saw each other every day, now months can go by without a phone call or a visit. 

But when we get together again, in many ways it truly feels like nothing has changed at all.  Because these friends knew me then, but they know me now as well.  They’ve been around as I’ve grown and changed and so our friendship isn’t solely rooted in the past, but very much in the present and the future as well.  In fact in many ways, I feel more closely bonded to them now, than when we were teenagers.

This month 3 of the 6 girls from my high school circle of friends had babies.  And this week the gang all got together to swap delivery stories and introduce the newest babes to each other, and celebrate these precious new lives! 


And even though I got home at 1am and still had to feed my baby and get up a few hours later to feed him again, I truly had a fantastic time and left with a full heart… so grateful for these women who have been  part of my life, my heart, and my family for so many years. 



  1. God has blessed you all with each other. My heart is so full knowing you are so loved.

  2. This makes me so happy. I remember each one of you in high school. I admire your ability to nourish your friendships and continue keeping in touch. Here is to many more years of friendship. Here is to my sister-in-law being the next to have a baby. :) (just kidding)

  3. Keep these treasured friendships. I just got together for four days with 12 other women who all graduated from Houghton College over four decades ago. When Christ bonds you together, the fellowship sweetens as the years pass. We call our selves the Divas (Divinely Inspired Vivacious Affectionate Sisterhood) and have some members who have seen their oldest grandchild graduate from high school. Bless you all!

  4. agreed! Its amazing how God has kept us together, and that we continue to have children so close in age :)

  5. Maybe I'm just hormonal or something, but this totally made me cry. I spent so much time at the Anderson's house growing up and I remember how Laura and Steph and I thought you guys were so cool :) I'm a little envious and so happy for you all that you've held so tightly to those lifelong friendships.

  6. What a wonderful gift you have in that special group of friends! After being an "Army Wife" and constantly moving and having to build new friendships every few years, I would give anything to have that. I'm so glad that you had time with your friends sharing such a special bond.

  7. I feel like such a wimp to be crying right now... but my heart is just so full of happiness and love for you all and so full of gratitude for the new memories we got to make this seems I can't control myself :) Thanks for writing about this. It means a lot to me.

  8. we truly are so blessed!! you guys are the best friends a girl could ever ask for and the best "aunties" my kids could ever have. i'm so excited to see what friendships blossom among our own children from our relationships together. love you girls!

  9. It's funny and great because this year the three who weren't pregnant last year had babies in the last two months... ! Congrats on keeping your friendships alive.


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