Meeting the Circus Family


Our son was born at 10:27pm.  Unfortunately, because he was born so late, his brother and sisters didn’t get to meet him until the next morning.  We loved the first night with him but it felt like the birthing process was somehow incomplete until we were all together. 

DSC00845When the moment finally came Scott brought them up and they eagerly ran to the bed to meet him. 


When I told them his name, my son’s face light up as it registered that he got the baby brother he was longing for.  He said to me “Mom, I am so excited that he is a boy!”  Me too, I replied.  “But Mom, you said you would be excited about a boy or a girl.”  “Right,” I said, “and I would have been… you said the same thing.”  “Yea,” he answered, “But I REEAALLLLY wanted a boy!” IMG_8897Doesn’t that look on his face say it all? 

He wasn’t the only one instantly smitten though.  The girls were truly taken by their baby brother.  They wanted to touch his toes, and count his fingers.   


IMG_8906 She truly adores her brother and is pretty much by his side every single moment of the day. 


And the baby of the family, is no longer the baby… she cherishes her role as big sister.  Her face lights up with joy every time she gets to hold him. 

As the kids left the hospital a few hours later, I couldn’t help but smile as my heart was very full.  Our family is now complete.  And I couldn’t be happier.  Funny how things changed in a mere matter of hours.

Here we are as we dropped the kids off on our way to the hospital.  Doesn't this picture already strike you as so incomplete?

IMG_8631Our first complete family picture, one I will forever cherish and treasure, wasn’t taken until the next morning.



  1. the girls looked happy to have their brother but your oldest trully looks excited he's a boy

  2. Wow. That last photo is so touching. What a great family photo. I an see why you will treasure it. : ) Some of my favorite photos are the ones of my girls with their newborn baby brother. I'm so happy for you all.

  3. Such sweet pictures - I love your first family picture - what a beautiful sight!

  4. So precious. I just love the the family picture! You are truly blessed!

  5. You couldn't have timed these posts more perfectly...I'm totally hormonal this week and I got all teary eyed reading and Derek was reading over my shoulder and said, "Who are they? Relatives of yours or something?" Me: "No, that's The Circus and their new baby." Him: " don't even really know these people and you're crying?" Me: "YES! Problem with that?"

    Beautiful pictures of a truly beautiful family.

  6. ALL of those pictures are incredibly sweet. Congratulations to the circus crew!

  7. Absolutely precious in every way. I love their faces. I love yours! Each picture is more precious than the next, and I'm SO happy for you and your family. Love you!

  8. I love this. We have very similar pictures of when my little brother was born. God is good. Blessings to your whole family.

  9. Oh my goodness...HE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!

  10. Love the new family picture! We had one like this taken after our first and second children were born, but of course have not gotten around to it three months after baby#3. Kickin' myself in the butt!

    So glad you have such a wonderful family!

  11. That camera has been going non-stop!! Looks like it has been worthwhile because the pictures are priceless. Glad you got that shot of finding out it is a brother!!! Love how much they truely love their brother.

  12. Oh, my goodness! I checked out of blogland for a few days, and I missed his arrival! Congratulations!!! Crystal, he is absolutely beautiful. I'm very happy for your family and am looking forward to hearing his birth story. Blessings on your new son!

  13. How sweet!!! I just love the look of excitement and pure joy on your little boy's face at learning that he's a boy! I'm so happy for you and your family.

  14. So awesome! I love the different happy looks on each of your kids' faces. Take as many pictures as you can right now. Our 4th no longer looks like a newborn and I am so very very sad about it. I am so happy for you! Seriously happy!


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