Weekend Thoughts: Waiting on His Timing

My son recently discovered the term “Summer Vacation” and in the innocence that only youth gives, he was quite disheartened when he learned that preschool didn’t last all summer long.

The fact that he’ll be in Kindergarten and not returning to his preschool didn’t help the matter.

It’s been so fun to watch him grow this past year at preschool.  When we were looking at school’s last spring, I wasn’t sure where we wanted to send him.  I had narrowed it down to two school’s and I’ll be honest, this one wasn’t my top choice.  But the top choice only had availabilities in the afternoon and I was not AT ALL interested in interrupting the girls nap time for preschool pick up.

So, the answer became very clear.

And I knew from orientation, that this school was a perfect fit for us.   I have been so pleased with the teachers and the administration and have had a truly positive experience for us all.  Even the girls have enjoyed participating in various family events at the school and are looking forward to their chance to attend in a few years.

But when school started, my son wasn’t so sure about things.  He didn’t want new friends b/c he informed me, he already had friends.  And he wasn’t excited about being away from the girls and I all morning.    He has loved it.  He has made new friends and gained some independence.  And today he stayed for lunch bunch for the first time all year.  (Lunch Bunch is an optional hour that the kids can stay after school to eat lunch with their friends).  Before now when sign ups came home each month, he always told me he didn’t want to go b/c he really wanted to eat lunch with me and the girls :-) .  I saw no reason to push him into it.  This week he informed me that he changed his mind and he wanted to stay on Friday.

I share all of this b/c here it is spring and here we are one year later facing uncertainty about next fall.  Scott and I have spent a lot of time visiting, researching, discussing, observing, praying and thinking about how we plan to educate our son next year. We narrowed it down to either our local public school or homeschooling using a tutorial.

There are lots of things I like about our local public school (we live in a good school district) and I am not ruling it out for first grade, but, our state has mandatory full day kindergarten, which I am not a fan of. So, we decided that for kindergarten, we are going to try home schooling with the tutorial.  He’ll attend the tutorial 2 days a week from 8:30-1:30.  He’ll have a tutor (aka teacher) who will set the pace and assign lessons.  He’ll have classmates and recess and lunch.  He’ll have someone else besides his parents evaluating him.  But, I will get to be his primary educator and I am nervously excited about using my teaching degree with my own children.  3 days a week his classroom will be in our dining room.  The tutorial is important though because we really think our sons temperament will benefit from the two days out of the house and, to be honest, I really need the accountability it provides for me.

It seems like the perfect answer for our family.  Applications were accepted starting March 1 and Scott drove our application to the post office to make sure it arrived on time.

We went in for the interview and student testing and both went wonderfully.

I received a call this week from the director and learned that our son is on the waiting list for their kindergarten class.

What???   Waiting list?  That wasn’t part of our plan.

They are considering opening up two classes as they have enough applications and the board will meet this month to discuss that option.  She told me she has never had to turn someone away…God always works things out.

So, this isn’t a shut door by any stretch.

But it isn’t wide open either.

And so we wait. And pray.  And seek God’s direction for next fall.

I take great comfort in the fact that we like both options.  I take even greater comfort in the fact that I know that my son will be exactly where God wants him to be in the fall.  Be it hopping on the big yellow bus to take him to our local public school, or riding in the minivan to the tutorial.

Selfishly, I want to know now where he will go.  I want the time for me and my son to mentally prepare for whatever this new step will be.  If I am homeschooling, I have a lot to get in order and prepare for.  If I am sending him off to school all day, I have a lot to emotionally prepare for.

But, I know that God will let me know, when I need to do know.  And not a moment sooner.

And so I wait.

Got a weekend thought you want to share with the rest of us?  How about a post from this week that was thought provoking in nature?  Make my day and link it up below. It’s my first time hosting a carnival and I’d love to read your thoughts.  Or, if your not ready (or don't have a blog), please don't hesitate to leave a comment.   You can share a thought on my post, or on something you’ve been thinking/learning about lately.  I look forward to reading what you have to share.

Did any of you notice that this post is a partial answer to the two questions I posted about a few months ago? Yea, we haven't decided about the other one yet.


  1. Yikes! I would be chewing the ends of my fingers off, along with my fingernails!

    I'm interested in the direction you will take on this matter, as we look to you for your sound advice! Keep us posted! :)

  2. I'll be praying for you as you wait. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering what you had decided about school. This sounds like a great option for you...I pray that it all works out, knowing that in trusting God it will.

  3. oh man, my stomach is all in knots for you! i don't do too well when God's timing throws me for a loop. i admire you for your patience and trust in Him and you will be rewarded for this. so, here's a verse that comforts me in the waiting.
    "I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27 13&14
    i love this one because of the first verse and not the obvious reminder of the second. i love knowing i can be confident that i will see his goodness in my "land of the living". the here and now. love you!

  4. I greatly admire the fact that while you are anxious to know of God's plan you are still patient in knowing it will be revealed in His timing...I have so much to learn in that department and regarding the thoughts and motives in my heart when I'm waiting on Him.

    And I admire that you know full well whichever way it goes is the way God wants it to go whether it's exactly what you and Scott were thinking or slightly different.

    Maybe I should drive to MD for your MOPS group....

  5. First of all, I love the concept of your blog carnival! I'm excited that I had a somewhat thoughtful post to link up. Hopefully in the future my posts will be more thoughtful.

    In regard to the schooling situation, you are so right that God is in control and wants things to happen in His timing. That is so hard sometimes, but I know in my life that I have grown so much in the Lord during times of waiting.

    I don't know if you have explored the option of the A Beka Academy or not. We are using the A Beka curriculum and love it. With their Academy option, you send in the child's grades and they keep records. That way they can get an actual high school diploma (and even attend graduation in FL if you want). The curriculum is quite structured and has good lesson plans in the teacher books.

    I'm certainly not trying to complicate the situation, but did want to just mention this option in case you didn't know about it.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. wow! i'm glad you guys have made a decision you feel so good about. i pray that the waiting list/second classroom works out (if it's God's will, of course). you will be such a great teacher-mother. i'm excited for you guys!

  7. Such a tough decision to make but it seems like you all have fianlly made one after giving it a lot of thought and prayer. Best of luck and as always keep us posted.

  8. bighappyfamilyMonday, May 25, 2009

    I hear there may be an update on your K situation... what's the word?


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