Shame on Me


Much like I do almost every day, I loaded my sweet baby girl into her car seat.  I buckled her in and then handed her a purple sippy cup.

After strapping her sister in her seat and after double checking her brother, I went to my spot in the front. 

About 20 minutes later I looked back and saw my sweet baby girl holding two purple sippy cups.

“Where did that other cup come from?”

I quickly took both cups and tried to figure out which was the good one and which cup of milk was from our drive 2 Nights Ago.

About 10 minutes later my poor little girl puked curdled milk all over her self. 

My poor sweet girl!  She guzzled her sippy cup expecting some nice fresh milk, only to have her momma give her 2 day old spoiled, rotten milk.  I felt awful!! 

Shame on Me


  1. OH Crystal! That is sooo sad! Poor thing!

  2. I have a *fear* of curdled milk... so, we've never allowed it in the car. The kids just had to make do LOL

  3. Poor baby! We never do milk in sippy's for that very reason... plus, anything but water is terrible to clean! We only drink milk at home or if I buy it with a meal.... Thankfully, as a result, my kids are used to water! At least it only happened to you once!

  4. I have done that fortunately The Girl is very good at informing me, after she was delivered fermenting Orange Juice.

  5. oh man. i bet Scott was SO grossed out with that story. yuck.

  6. Aww, poor thing!
    But don't feel bad. I have TERRIBLE pregnancy brain this time around, and I literally dump out at least one cup of milk every DAY because I give it to her, she takes a drink, and I smell her rotten breath and realize the milk has gone bad, usually because I forgot to put it in the fridge, so it sat in our living room for a while... sometimes up to 3 or 4 days!
    You-and she-are not alone!

  7. Eww...I hate finding those cups. Yuck! Poor baby.

  8. Don't feel too bad. We find curdled milk cups and old water all the time as my two are famous for lossing them in the house. I wish they had beepers on them like our phones so you can easily find them when your kids tell you they don't remember where they left them.

  9. I can't imagine how you could ever have let this happen. It would never happen in MY house.....Bah ha ha!!!! My daughter brings me cups all the time and says, "this old." Poor baby girl.

  10. I've done that, too! Don't be too hard on yourself. : ) I'm not looking forward to getting back to the sippy cup stage. It's so easy to end up with rotten milk in those things. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who has made that mistake. : )

    I'm glad you are going to do W.O.W. with us this time around. I'm excited to paint my wall. Have a great day.

  11. I have done this too. Don't feel too bad, that is why God gave us the "puke" reflex, right? ;) Her body just doesn't appreciate cottage cheese yet!

    One mistake out of many good things that happen, not a bad average... =)

  12. That's happened at our house too b/c P. likes his milk warm in the morning and evening, but cold the rest of the day so the cup is microwaved, then refrigerated but if the milk is out too long between those points, it gets iffy...fortunately we've caught it so far, but it's just a matter of time!

  13. I just wanted to let you know that I left an award for you on my blog. I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for making it such a fun read!

  14. Ohhhh poor girl! I'm sure she's forgotten all about it though! It reminds me of a time a few years back we had friends over for dinner, and one of them drank some spoiled milk we had left in the fridge. They will still not let us live that one down! At least your daughter can't throw it in your face later! ;0)

  15. I know this has happened at our house/in our van as well, but my senses just can't take this post...curdled milk is one of the things that's been activating my pregnant gag reflex!

    I can empathize/sympathize with your baby girl...

    However, like I said, it's happened to my own as well.



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