Pomp and Circumstance

2005 scrapbook152I can’t believe the school year is over all ready.  More than that I can’t believe my little guy is going to be a kindergartener next fall.  Where did the time go?  It truly seems like it wasn’t that long ago when he was taking his first steps.  And now he’ll be stepping across the stage…ready to commence a new stage of life.

He is no longer a preschooler.

I’m so proud of him.  I love the way his little mind works, always processing, always questioning.  He’s got his Daddy’s logical brain.   I look forward to watching him continue to grow and develop through the years.  And yet, I wish I could freeze time right now, right where he is.  I love that he still loves to snuggle.  And I dread the day when he doesn’t want to curl up on my lap on the couch anymore.

There’s going to be a ceremony and performance at his school this morning.  He’s been talking about it all week.  I can’t wait to see him sing his songs with his classmates.  He told me tonight he gets to wear a special vest and hat too.  I’ll be bringing my tissues.

Afterwards there’s going to be celebration for the families.  So, I made these little grad caps for the picnic.


They were super easy to make and I think they’ll provide a cute touch to the festivities.


For more moments, you don't wanna miss, click here.


  1. great idea! my son's last day of preschool is tomorrow...

  2. Congratulations!! It must be such a bittersweet time....I know what you mean about wanting to freeze time. The graduation caps are super cute!!!

  3. i can't believe our little boy is growing so fast! i hope his ceremony is everything he hopes it'll be. and i hope your box of tissues is big enough.

  4. I should have brought my tissues for this post! Oh, man do these kids grow up so fast. And your little man is just so special. So sweet. And so smart. Enjoy this momentous day! Take lots of pictures to share with us. Geesh, I'm getting a little weepy just thinking about it all...and I've never even met the boy!

  5. those are so cute! congratulations on his moving on that's so exciting and sad. Growing up is like that. I remember my mother cried the summer after my 7th grade year because I was going into 8th grade so in a year I'd be starting high school. I used to think that was really weird.

  6. Awwww...you're a great mom! Those are adorable little treats.

  7. Thanks for blogging by! I am a kinder teacher and our last day of school was this past Thursday (for kiddos). I LOVE this cute treat and it looks so easy! Thanks for sharing! And I admit that I do tear up when I am giving out my certificates and awards!! I hope that your little one has the time of his life in kinder...it is such a fun and exciting time!

  8. OMGosh, what cute little treats...and what a sweet baby...I mean, big boy!

    I know just what you mean...they grow up too fast! He will even grow up so much more his year in kindergarten! {boo-hoo!}

    cherish that little boy all you can...he is sweet!

  9. I love the hat cookies!!! SO CUTE! I DIDNT tear up at Jadon's preschool graduationt this year either! NO WAY!! NOT ME!!!!! ;) Thanks for joining me!

  10. My little guy only has 1 year left of preschool now and then kindergarten. It will totally break my heart when he is starts kindergarten...Time just flies. cute treat. Found you through Pam's blog.


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