Short but Sweet


Our time at Biscayne National Park was funIMG_5410, but way too short.  We took a 3 hour tour (which thankfully turned out much better than the infamous 3 hr tour).   I think the kids favorite part was the 45 minute ride out to Boca Chita Island.   They described their ride out their as “the best rollar coaster ride ever!”  The wind was really blowing.  I thought it felt much like those super sonic hand dryers that look like they are ripping your skin off.

IMG_5416Once we arrived at the island, the first thing we did was climb the lighthouse.   The top of the light house provided you with a panoramic view of Biscayne National Park (most of which is the underwater coral reefs) and a view of the Miami skyline. I love our lil man’s expression… you can see it was VERY WINDY up there!






Biscayne NP Magnet

IMG_5497Once we finished with the light house, we spent some time exploring and playing on the island.  It was beautiful and Scott and I were quite frustrated to learn that we could have camped the night out there.  It would have been amazing, but unfortunately we learned too little too late.  IMG_5447




So, we made due with the time we had exploring and frolicking on the island before heading back to the main land.  On our way back we were able to watch the Blue Angels practice for an air show that weekend.  It was a lil taste of home!IMG_5457



  1. I didn't even know there was such a park. I'm glad the kids had so much fun despite (because of?) the wind. Looking at the lighthouse pictures makes it seem like those palm trees are about to break in half. The entire trip the kids look so happy. And I love that picture of you and Scott. Such a cute couple, don'tcha think?

  2. Crystal, you look amazing! You don't look like you are the mother to 4 children with a baby to boot!

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I was RIGHT NEAR THERE this past weekend!! We took the kids to Zoo Miami for the first time ever....but it looks like we should have swung a left and headed over to Biscayne Park and joined you all!! How fun! I will have to add that to my list of things to do with the kids soon!

  4. That l;ooks like a really beautiful park - might have to try that one. I am so jealous of that lighthouse climb. Great pictures. And I must add - BEST park sign picture so far this year - great family picture.


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