Apparently he isn’t the most famous of all


I got a funny e-mail from my mom this morning.  She told me to set the DVR to record Rudolph tonight b/c apparently my 3 yr old needed a refresher in holiday pop culture. 

According to my mom…

“We were walking in the mall on Black Friday.  We went to the Build a Bear shop which had been transformed into Santa's Workshop for Christmas.  They had stuffed snowmen and deer and Santa bears.

I said to her,  "Look it's Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer!!"

To which she looked at me like I just grew 3 heads and said "A red nose reindeer???"  Really Grandma??”

The DVR has been set… wait till she finds out he can fly too!!

This post is being included in Mary’s Tiny Talk Tuesday.


  1. Maybe he needs a publicist--my little guy also looked at me with skepticism while we were looking at an illustration of Santa's sleigh and said, "mommy, deer don't fly, they don't have wings" in a kindly but patronizing tone of voice. Btw, Hulu has all the Charlie Brown specials--I'm going to check for Rudolph and the Christmas ones : )

  2. Thank you for letting me know it is on tonight so we don't miss it. I want my kids to have the same holiday pop culture education. : )

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  3. Guess what I have a tape of all the old Christmas SHOWS BUT they are on mt VHS tape Away back


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