Merry Tuba Christmas

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Christmas is without a doubt my favorite time of year.  I’ve already shared in my last post how I love all the things about Christmas.  And I do, even the shopping, baking, prepping for company… I love it all.  In fact when Christmas actually gets here I am always a little sad, because truth be told I love the season, the anticipation, the preparation so much that I am sad to see it end when the actual day of Christmas arrives.

But, the thing I love most about this time of year is the carols.  I love, love the words of those familiar carols, but what I really love is the fact that I can be at the grocery store, or the mall and I can hear the name of Jesus praised.   What other time of year can you hear songs proclaiming “glory to the newborn King”  while waiting in line at Best Buy?  I love it!! 

This past Saturday we took the kids into Baltimore for some family fun.  I had read about this thing called Tuba Christmas… and I thought “hmmm 200 tubas playing Christmas music in Inner Harbor Baltimore, sounds fun”  but I had no idea just how wonderful it would be….

IMG_8886The weather was perfect… sunny and 50 degrees… so great to have a slight chill in the air but still be comfortable with winter jackets on.   We were able to score great seats right up front.   (thanks to some generous people for letting the big 3 sit literally right up front)




When the tubas started playing it was quite a sound.


But, the best part for me was the conductor.  He chose mostly all Christmas carols and he would have the tubas play the song one time through and then during the second time through he invited the audience to sing along.  Tears filled my eyes as I belted out “O Come Let Us Adore Him, Christ the Lord”  in the middle of the bustling harbor.  What a privilege, what a joy to proclaim the name of Jesus.    It’s a moment I will most definitely be bottling up and savoring in my heart.  A true treasure for me this Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. AMEN!! It is so wonderful to hear those carols everywhere. I pray that it is never stopped in our country. Enjoy thos Advent Season and Merry Christmas :-)


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