A Month of Giving Thanks


This year I decided to follow the example of other friends on face book and post something each day on my status that I was thankful for.  It was a really fun way to stop and focus on giving thanks each day.  I decided to cut and paste my status updates into a blog post for today so I could record these to look back on later.  Here they are starting with today and going backwards to the beginning of November….

Today I am thankful for each of my children and their unique personalities.  I am so thankful for the privilege of being their Mommy.

IMG_8392Today I am thankful for toothless grins and visits from the tooth fairy. My 5 yr old lost her first tooth tonight :)

I am thankful for my Mom and Dad... for their love for each other and my brother and I as well as our spouses and children. I know I am one of the lucky ones and I truly am grateful for the relationship I have with both of them as well as the relationships they have with my children

I am thankful for friends (young and old) and the chance to spend time with them!

I am thankful for a really wonderful weekend: start to finish!

Thankful for a really, really good Saturday... perfect blend of productivity and family fun...

I am thankful for friends who feel like family and the chance to spend time with them last night.

Today I am thankful for the numerous everyday conveniences which
make my life so much easier and enjoyable and for which I too often take
for granted

I am thankful for 1. rain boots b/c they give me a reason to smile on a rainy day.

I am thankful for harvest parties and  reunions with friends as well as  a flexible baby which makes enjoying those things much more doable.

Today I am thankful for coffee... what a wonderful way to start the day, especially ones that start earlier than I'd like.

photoToday I am thankful for a surprisingly warm Nov day and the opportunity for a spontaneous trip to the park with my youngest two.

Today I am thankful for a weekend spent playing with cousins of all ages!

Today I am thankful for the privilege of knowing and loving Scott's Grandpa...as we celebrated his life this morning and the fact that we know he's in heaven, I couldn't help but weep b/c I miss him. He was a true gentleman and a GREAT grandpa and I am so sorry we had to say goodbye.

Today I am thankful for our public library system. What a blessing to be able to take my kids to story time at the library, to have so many wonderful reading resources available (and even set aside on our hold shelf if we want them) and all at no cost to me (well, most of the time anyway). I love our local library!

Today I am thankful to live in an area that experiences all 4 seasons and for the beauty of the fall foliage every where I look.

Today I am thankful that when I got my flat tire it was: 1. on a day when I had left a booster seat at the tutorial in the morning b. on a day when a friend had just called me and volunteered to drive my kids home from tutorial for me c. it was on the shoulder of a road just around the corner from my house and d. when I was walking with my baby in my arms and my 4 yr old crying on the side of the road my sweet friends  drove by and offered to drive us the rest of the way home. God is good!!

I am thankful for  my husband and his willingness to help me out in the mornings, without his presence and help our mornings are much more grumpy and harried.

IMG_7018 (2)Today I am grateful for the opportunity I've had to be a soccer mom. I truly enjoy standing on the sidelines cheering my kids on!!

Today I am thankful for a quiet and lazy Friday afternoon.... followed by breakfast for dinner and a family movie night after soccer practice!

I am thankful for our home school tutorial. I am thankful for the community of friends the kids and I have there. I am thankful for the accountability and encouragement it provides for me as I home school. It has provided the best of both worlds for our family in our schooling experience.

I am thankful that I got to spend the day with my SIL  and my two nephews!

I am thankful that today I got to actually watch part of the girls gymnastics practices (seems so often I am chasing siblings). I am so proud of both of them and it brings me such joy to watch them. They are learning and growing tons and loving every minute. What a blessing that is to me as their mom! I actually cheered out loud in the waiting room today when I saw my 5 year old do a cart wheel on the beam!


  1. Truly alot to be thankful for! Bountiful blessings.

  2. You make me see how blessed I am allso.

  3. I can't imagine you with anything but a thankful heart. You are the most thankful person I know in all situations! You always see the silver lining! Even when you've got a nasty flat tire, for instance!

    Love you! Glad you have much to be thankful for!!


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