The one in which I question whether I should keep blogging…


I feel busy… these past few months have probably been the busiest I’ve been in quite awhile.  Scott worked a ton of overtime, the oldest three played soccer, the girls both did gymnastics, my oldest son started piano lessons, cub scouts is back in action, the home school year began—it takes up way more of my day than it used to…. I am not complaining… I willingly signed up for all of these things (ok… except for the overtime part) and I enjoy them… it’s a stage of life for us that is fleeting, I know. And I am enjoying it. But it is a different stage for us … and it is busy.

All that to say, I have sorta fallen off of the blogging band wagon.  I keep saying to myself, “Oh I’ll blog that..” And then when the day is over, the kids are in bed and I sit on the couch with the computer in front of me… I draw a blank… or I don’t feel like writing anything.  Those “good ideas” I had earlier have flown the coup and all I have is a blank screen and all I feel like doing is scrolling through face book, catching up on a show on the DVR, or reading a book… 

I know I am not destined to be a famous blogger.  I am not going to get hundreds of hits a day or find myself speaking at a blog conference.  I am “just another mom blog” of which there are thousands… and sometimes at the end of a long day/week/month I ask myself, “why bother?”  “why do I blog?”   And then I’ll look at the sidebar on my blog which posts links to old blogs and I’ll click over and I’ll remember days gone by that I had long forgotten… vacations that I have yet to scrapbook, my favorite Halloween photos of my oldest daughter ever,  oh my goodness… I totally forgot it wasn’t that long ago when SHE was my baby!, and seriously when did he grow up? (he used to always leave our house in one crazy costume or another… I forgot that)   That is one reason I blog… to preserve the present so I’ll have it to look back on later.   Another reason I blog is to keep friends and family up to date on the happenings here… We are so blessed to have my grandma and Scott’s Nana reading our blogs… It allows them to follow their great grandchildren  in their day to day activities and antics, which they otherwise wouldn’t be able to do due to the fact that they live far away…. I also strive to blog as a way to “bring glory to the one who made me… and as an added bonus I’ve been blessed to meet some new people who I now consider friends and to further develop some relationships with people I knew in real life, but not as well as I’d have liked…

And so, I am not giving up on blogging… but I am struggling to find my voice in this new stage of life and to find the time of day that I have the energy and distraction free time in which to do it.  Thanks for being patient while I figure it out…

A few pics of life around here this week…








  1. I can relate to everything you said in there!

  2. Thankfully a voice is full of inflections and changes....sometimes we whisper, sometimes we scream, sometimes we use lots of exclamations or we question and sometimes we are still and are quiet. But this is all part of the voice. The voice of the One who made you. Your voice is lovely! And when your little ones grow up you will read your voice and thank God for the voice He gave you!

  3. Crystal, I know that there is a time for everything in life and maybe the blogging has to take a back burner for now. But I just wanted to say that your blog has been such an encouragement to me. It truly helped me get through the year when I had three children three years and under. I knew you survived with humor and grace and it gave me confidence that I would make it!! So thank you for all your posts that share your life and heart. I have loved them all!

  4. I thoroughly enjoy what you post whenever you are able. Between your children's antics and your thoughtful contemplation I find lots of smile, relate to and reflect on. I'm glad to hear you will be continuing. And I'm beginning to understand the work and courage it takes to put your life out there. I'm attempting to blog and have yet to find a voice I'm comfortable with. Thanks for being here!

  5. You may not know it but your Blogs when you do them Just catching up on the week is good . we enjoy even a peep into the life of the circus.You bring a lotof joy to A LOT OF PEOPLE Including Me. I can be sad & read 1 of your Blogs
    & have to laugh & a smile to my face.

  6. I totally know how you feel, I am organizing and planing and writing things down so I will remember all those fleeting ideas since I never seem to remember anything anymore. I hope you keep it up but slow down when you need it.

  7. I do the same exact thing! (think of things to write, then come to a blank computer screen and end up doing something else), However, when I think of something to write about, I add the idea to my ongoing list next to the computer in the hopes that one night I can write them all at once. This has worked out pretty well. These are such precious years and memories, and in the moment we think we will never forget it, but we do. You MUST keep writing them down or you will definitely regret it! ;)

  8. So glad that you are going to write whenever you can. It is preserving such precious memories. Your writing brings such joy to so many, but also makes us contemplate. You make us think. You make us smile or even LOL. Hang in there! These times are fleeting.

  9. Ditto to all of the above. I love your blog, too.

  10. This is so honest, as all of your posts are. I am always impressed with how you keep up with your blog and contacts the way you do. I think you are amazing!

  11. I am not sure how I found your blog but I have LOVED reading!! I feel the same way and keep telling myself I need to get to it. But then life seems to take over and as you said, at the end of the day we do other things. I cried when I read your post about the last minute trip to Florida. You are such great parents for making that memory for your family!!

  12. Never stop blogging!!!!! I've got very limited ways of keeping up with the Circus Family and this is by far the one I love the most!

    You're preaching to the choir with regards to lots of what you've mentioned...I've been dealing with much of the same with regards to blogging but then thinking of friends like you make me want to keep going!

    And being able to read back and see things outside of the time they occurred is also a plus.

    Keep going. Maybe you'll be sporadic, maybe you won't. But keep going.


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