You think I’d know by now…


When my son asked if he could bring his light sabers or guns to his sisters first soccer practice, I said no.   Because sometimes it is awkward to deal with the whole gun issue out in public.

Obviously I forgot that little boys will turn absolutely anything into a gun.IMG_0635

So today I said what the heck, bring the gun.  

Which apparently translated to, go crazy, carry a gun in each hand and a concealed weapon… Heck, why not wear the entire uniform!


So much for flying under the radar… that is something the circus fam just doesn’t know how to do.


  1. He's all boy!!

    I find it hard to balance out healthy boys will be boys with play guns, too.

    Miss you!

  2. His Uncle Jim would be proud!

  3. I was shocked when my ONE year old son decided a switch piece from his Thomas the train set was a gun! I think he had seen a gun once? How do little guys like that get so impressioned by weapons?! lol I suppose it's a good thing I'm pro-gun ownership :0)


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