Another Circus First

The time had finally come for the tooth to be pulled.   While our son was  more than ready for it to come out, Dad was secretly uneasy about the venture.  “He trusts me” Scott confided to me in the hallway, “What if I hurt him?”   Then Scott got another one of his moments of sheer fatherhood brilliance.

“I’ll let him do it,” he declared.

He tied one end of the dental floss to his light saber and the other to his tooth.

The girls gathered around eager to see the tooth pop out.  I stood by with the video camera rolling and the epic light saber battle began.

Father and son wielded their sabers.

The floss flew out of his mouth and out popped his tooth.IMG_9877

The look of pure glee on his face when he looked down and saw his tooth hanging there was priceless.


  1. What a sweet picture!! :)

  2. {lumpy throat}
    What a neat way to do it! WTG Scott and congrats to the little man!

  3. Tell Scott he was really proud of his tooth being gone today, and he was excited to tell the story of how it came out. Very cool job, Dad.

  4. He was so excited sharing his tooth story that it was hard to understand. I'm glad you filled in the details.
    Scott, I always knew you were very smart but the light saber idea was nothing short of brilliant. I look forward to seeing the video.

  5. Scott is such a genius!! What a great toothless picture! Best way to lose that tooth - StarWars all the way.

  6. Love it! Both the picture and the tooth pulling method!

  7. Woohoo!!! Way to go! He is a very proud Jedi, indeed. :)

  8. What a great idea!!! I am terrified of pulling teeth. Thankfully, Keith did MC's first tooth and her second is almost ready to come out as well. Poor EA hasn't gotten her first one yet and she's ready for it...or so she says :)

  9. btw, I'm starting to think there's nothing Star Wars can't fix...

  10. I love it when dads get to be their masculine-parenting selves. A great idea that I would never have come up with!


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