Reflection on Home Schooling


Well, I am about one month into my homeschooling experience and thought I’d reflect on it.

I love it!

You know I waffled and prayed and struggled with the decision.  It wasn’t like I knew from the minute I brought him home from the hospital that I’d be a home schooling mom.  As I prepped our “classroom” I was still clinging to the fact that at any moment I could change my mind and enroll him at the local public school.  And when anyone asked what we were doing for school this year I would always answer, “we’re home schooling for kindergarten.”  Taking it one year at a time.

But, here I am already eagerly looking forward to future years of schooling my children.  But, I’m still going to take things one day at a time. 

My favorites parts?

* saying the pledge with the kids each morning.  I love, love watching them put their hands over their hearts, hold the flag, and saying the pledge.  Actually I love our whole “opening time” together… the pledge, singing The Grand Ol Flag, our memory verse and catechism questions… I love that we’re all doing it together

* the look on my son’s face when things click… just today I sat down and wrote some three letter words for him to read.  I’ve been suspicious for a few weeks now that he was ready to read, but for some reason I didn’t move to the next level.  Today he read his first word “cat” and his first sentence “The cat sat on a mat.”   He then called his dad and left a message on his voicemail saying, “Dad, I can read!”  Def a highlight mom moment for me.

* I love being on a schedule.  (not a fan of waking up at 6), but love starting our day at a set time.  Starting early capitalizes on my children’s morning people personalities and leaves us with plenty of time for playing, cleaning, and other things I need to fit into our day.  I’ve known for awhile that waking up early would change the atmosphere in my home, but couldn’t make myself do it without the accountability of school.

*I love that I am making time to read, and teach, paint, and run outside with the kids.  Sure we did those things in the past, but now that I am more intentional, we do it on a much more regular basis.  I feel like I am a better mom to all the kids because I am homeschooling my son.  And my girls are learning more this year than my son learned last year in preschool. 

*I love the tutorial he’s attending.  I feel like it really gives our family the “best of both worlds.”   We’re still adjusting and adapting to the new social situation, but already all 4 of us have formed new friendships. 

Low points?

* Handwriting.  That definitely seems to be our struggle.   It’s obviously something I should have been working on earlier.  He’s getting it, but it’s not easy.  We’re both working hard on diligence and patience and perseverance.

*One thing I’ve noticed in my month of home schooling, is that there are a gazillion options out there for home schoolers.  Museums, karate, plays,  ice skating, swimming… every company and their brother wants to offer you a discount to take advantage of those families that are home during the school day.  And for home schooling parents who are worried about things like “socialization” and fitting in those PE and  art hours, it’s tempting.  If your not careful, you can easily book up each and every day with activities and find you spend very little time at home.   I’ve found I gotta be disciplined and intentional with the opportunities I take advantage of and those which I let pass.

But, over all, I am so glad we chose to home school this year.  I am pleased with the tutorial we’re using and loving the quality time its affording me with each of my kids.  I am thankful for the experiences I had in a traditional classroom as a third grade teacher, because I feel it more than adequately prepared me for my role as a home schooler.  And I gotta say, teaching my children is by far the most rewarding job I’ve ever had.


  1. I'm so gald it is going so well for you. Your kids are so blessed to have such a great mom. I trying to learn to be more intentional as a mom, too. Thanks for being an inspiration.

  2. I'm so glad that homeschooling is working out for you, and you are able to see the fruit of it!!!

    It really is a blessing!!!!

  3. i was thinking about you and your homeschooling today. i'm so thrilled that it's working so well for the whole family. your kids will remember these years together. and i love that your son called Scott about his reading!

  4. I love that you are lovin' homeschool! I had a feeling that you would. My favorite is the message your son left with his dad at work...that must have made his day!!

  5. This just warms my heart. I think it's great you've found the best schooling situation for your family and I know all your children will benefit from it immensely. We are so much alike in that I too, think our life would change drastically if I woke up earlier, but I have yet to find accountability in that department. My employer is entirely too flexible about what time I get to work!

    I can only imagine the awesomeness of your son reading his first sentence and being so excited to call daddy at work. How totally cool.

    Hope the handwriting comes along and I will be singing "Grand Ole Flag" in my head all day now! Haven't heard that one in a long time!

  6. With God all things are possible and the joy we find as we take any step of faith is beyond words. Being a mother is truly the hardest and most rewarding job I have ever experienced as well. I found that as I began homeschooling God opened my eyes to the deeper meaning of being a mother. Enjoy!

  7. I thought all along that this would work out well for you and the kids. But I am so thrilled that you are so pleased with how it is going. You are a natural teacher - and I have marveled at how much you were already teaching since your oldest was born :-) Keeping you in prayer as you continue as mother and teacher.

  8. I can relate to so much of this. But, mostly - how much I'm loving it, how blessed I feel to be able to spend all day with them, and how rewarding it is to watch them learn!

    Loved this, Crystal!

  9. It sounds like it's been a great month!

  10. I am so glad things are going so well for you! I never thought I would love homeschooling, but I do too!! :)

  11. I am really on a fence about school next year so keep writing! I'd love to hear more of your experiences and suggestions!

  12. Hi! Just found your blog today and had to comment. I'm also a first year homeschooler to 5 year old twin boys and their 4 year old brother. I also have totally enjoyed saying the pledge every day with them (ok, every day we do school...I need to get better about that!). It makes me tear up to hear them say it and to pray! Handwriting is also a struggle with us and I agree with you, I should have started them earlier. I let them write however they wanted before and now I am having to teach them the right way. Hope the rest of your year goes well and I look forward to checking out your blog some more!


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