Yea, So Apparently Licking Windows Is NOT a Good Idea

Hmmm…we’re on day 3 of our grand Texas adventure…and the circus crew has come down with quite a few ailments.  My hoarse voice has developed into full laryngitis.  My son has gotten a case of pink eye.  My baby has developed a fever.  And the middle child has nothing specific yet, but I did detect a little runny nose this evening.


NICE, huh?

Guess we just wanted to feel at home, so we brought the plague of the past few months along with us.

We leave today for the 4 day camping portion of our adventure.  We’ve called the Dr back home and gotten prescription eye drops for the pink eye and are bracing ourselves to use it on the rest of the family as it is highly contagious and we will be in close proximity of each other.

So far, we are still enjoying ourselves.  Every now and then I want to grumble and cry, “why now? why on vacation”  But I am determined not to let it ruin our fun time away.  “This is the day the Lord has made and I WILL rejoice in it.”  Sometimes I gotta remind myself of that again and again.  Truly, it could be worse.  We’ve had a great time with family and friends and are looking forward to spending the next few days in God’s creation.  I am praying for restored health (and would appreciate it if any of ya’ll wanted to join me in that prayer).  (Like the Texas drawl I’ve picked up?)  Perhaps some time in the great outdoors will do us all some good?  Here’s hoping anyway…


  1. I am praying for ya'll. It is very possible that a lot of time outdoors is a good idea. It might just get the germs flushed from your systems. Hope/praying you get your voice back soon.

  2. Praying right now and will continue to do so. I like the way Nana thinks...the great outdoors will be good for you guys. Your positive thinking is one of the reasons I just love you so much...continue to rejoice, Crystal and enjoy your vacation and family time as much as possible. Sending big virtual hugs across the miles...

  3. oh man! we're praying for you! at least it will be a very memorable trip?!

  4. Oh no - we'll be praying for a whole family recovery! You have the right attitude and I'll pray you can keep those spirits up and you all have fun and the illnesses are just an inconvenience but don't stop you from having a great adventure!

  5. Oh, I'm so sorry you've all ended up sick. But you have a wonderful attitude. I know it isn't easy, but you are choosing to praise and rejoice rather than complain and that's one wise choice. I'll be praying for you all to recover quickly!

  6. Ewww...I hope the girls, and everyone else resist his pink eye!! If I'm remembering correctly, he doesn't feel sick though, right? So he could still have fun?

  7. Awww... I'm so sorry you all are getting sick. But just think this is one more ailment you will be immune to! We will be praying for safe travel and fun despite the germs


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