San Antonio Like You’ve Never Seen It!


After 4 days of camping at both Guadalupe and Big Bend NP, the next big destination on our trip was to San Antonio.  We were quite excited about showers, and more room to spread out.  After checking into our hotel at noon, we were off to see the sights.

Where to first?  The Alamo? The Children’s Museum?  The River walk?  So many choices…

We thought what better place to go to really experience the city than the urgent care clinic.  And it was a mere two blocks away from our hotel!!  How perfect!  So without stopping even for lunch, we quickly set out for our destination!


We were greeted by a kind and friendly staff who told us we could stay in the waiting room for 1.5 hrs before seeing the Dr.  How delightful!  After spending the day before strapped into their car seats, the kids were so excited to get to sit quietly and wait in a waiting room.  

We got to wait in not one, but two waiting rooms as part way through our wait, they sent us to a doctor office next door.  This way more people in this lovely city got to experience Life At The Circus.  IMG_6607 

At a little after 3 we were shown into our room.  Have no fear about us not getting to see the city.  We got to see the city from our very own waiting room! 


Eventually the doctor came in and checked all 3 children’s ears. 

IMG_6617 Turns out the flight out to El Paso had strained their ear canals causing infections.  The pink eye we thought my son had earlier in the week was actually part of the congestion and ear infection.  So, we didn’t actually need to give the kids those eye drops all week.  The doctor prescribed rounds of amoxicillin for all three!  Then we got to figure out where the nearest, open pharmacy was on Good Friday.  After 30 more minutes of waiting in the waiting room, the prescriptions had been called in and at 4:00 we were off to find us some lunch!! 

The kids were just loving San Antonio at this point.  And Mom and Dad were so glad that we scheduled in this day of fun to recover and refresh after our week of camping. 

After lunch/dinner in the food court, we set off to see the Alamo before it closed at 5:30.  We were able to squeeze in a quick tour, during which our youngest fell asleep on her daddy’s shoulders.  We then headed back to the hotel for a little rest and nebulizer treatment before figuring out how to top of such an exciting day! 





**please note any sarcasm detected in this post, was purely intentional**


  1. laughing hysterically!!! although, if i were you i'm sure i would have been crying. fyi, we are in your neighborhood until sunday for luke's wedding. it's a little crazy but we are shooting for 11am at spep on sunday. any chance i'll see you?

  2. Oh, Crystal! I am laughing so hard, but feeling so guilty for laughing and can't decide which takes precedence. My inner Pollyanna prompts me to say that at least you could stop worrying that you and Scott were going to get pinkeye...

  3. Oh sounds like you all had such a rough vacation!

  4. Awww what a vacation! I really hope there were some enjoyable moments that were not interrupted by whining too soon . :-)

  5. Aw, how sad. Always something when we travel.
    What did that Dr thin when you all took the picture?!! You are a TRUE blogger!

  6. Oh, poor thing! I completely admire you for taking it all in stride and being able to laugh and blog about your vacation woes!

  7. Oh to find out that those drops were useless! The kids just looked so wiped out in those last pictures. Hopefully after a good night of rest and antibiotics everyone was feeling better in the morning!

  8. I want to laugh, but it's soooo sad at the same time! What a bummer to show up to vacation sick! You seem like the type of gal who knows how to make the best of things, though. I'll bet it all worked out okay!


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