Back to the Building

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The kids returned to their tutorial this morning.
Well three of them returned and one, very excited 5 year old entered the building as a student for the first time.  IMG_3011
Despite the fact that I have been working tirelessly to prep for this school year AND I even woke up 2 hours before we needed to leave the house, we STILL arrived late.  BUT, perhaps that late arrival made for a smoother drop off for Momma b/c there wasn’t time for me to get weepy as I ushered my lil man into the opening assembly.  He was so, so excited to finally be at school.  As we walked up to the building, wearing his backpack and carrying his lunch box, I had a flashback to his toddler self carrying a backpack to the building when we dropped off the big kids.
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He’s been lugging a backpack to the building as long as he can walk.  Often filling it to overflowing with books and pencils. 
Today as we walked into the building, he happily exclaimed, “hooray I get to go to school!”
Boy, those  years flew by fast!  He was just growing in my belly 6 years ago when my now middle schooler began his school journey.
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Stop the crazy train!  How is he in MIDDLE SCHOOL?? 
And just like their brother before and after them, the girls are growing up right before my eyes!
4th grade!
Third grade!
I think more than any other year, I find myself fully aware of the daunting task before me this year.  The weight of my responsibility feels heavy on my shoulders.  6th grade, 4th grade, 3rd grade and kindergarten!   And at the same time, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude for this time I get to spend with them.  Because these years are flying by waaaaay to fast!  And I am so so grateful for the extra time we get to spend together learning round our kitchen table.
And I am so grateful for the supportive Daddy and husband we have.  (who surprised us real quick by popping back home to wish them well on their first day day back at the building)…. He really is the best!
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