A Day in the District

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This past week was insane.  We had our year end celebration night at the tutorial on Thursday.  This is the night when they proudly display their science and history projects, as well as present the recitations they’ve been memorizing all year.  This meant that Tuesday and Wednesday were spent feverishly working on completing those projects.  Throw in 2 trips to the pharmacy for strep throat medicine, practices, May the 4th celebrations, and Scott working overtime… and you result in one messy house…. and one slightly insanely stressed out Mom.  I am not exaggerating when I say that by Thursday we were out of all groceries and our house was a very literal disaster.  I don’t think it has ever been messier than it was this week.
In honor of the 70th anniversary of WW II Victory Day in Europe there was a flyover of historic WW II planes.  We described it to the kids as a parade of planes.
I had it on my calendar for a few months, but then Scott’s work schedule picked up and I had given up on the possibility of us going. There was no way I was going to attempt it on my own after the week we had, but, he worked it out and was able to go in early for a few hours and then come home and spend the day with us.
It was a much, much needed family day out for us.
We started out with a flat tire in the driveway. 
I wondered if we would make it after all.  But, we got it patched and were on the road. 
We got to DC and found a spot to watch the planes. 

My oldest had read the YA version of Unbroken this quarter and was quite excited to see a B24 just like Louie Zamperini had flown in.
After the parade we grabbed lunch from a food truck.  (I am obsessed and slightly romanced by food trucks and love eat from them whenever possible).   We then discussed what we wanted to do/see with our remaining time in the city.  One child wanted to see the Washington Monument, one the Lincoln Memorial, one the WW II memorial and one wanted to walk into the building across the street from us. 
(so convenient that 3 of the 4 were in a straight row)…. we threw in a visit to the Vietnam Memorial, a walk by the back side of the White House, and ended with all of us walking into the lobby of the Department of Commerce to make our youngest happy.
It was a beautiful day and just exactly the balm this tired Momma needed… to get away from the house and enjoy some time together as a family.
I love Washington DC and am grateful we live close enough to go in for an afternoon with little planning and preparation needed.   It was the perfect kick off to Mother’s Day weekend.


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