The Hunt


Countless “winter” afternoons were spent sporting flip flops, eating picnic lunches outside, soaking in the warmth of the sun’s rays.   And I loved every minute of it, while also inwardly fearing a return of cold weather.  I so hate that time of year when you have to keep both warm and cold weather clothes in your drawers because you never know what the weather will do.  I love it when you can confidently box up last seasons clothes and fully embrace the new season. 

Which is why, I found it somewhat frustrating, and quite a bit comical that on the second Saturday of SPRING… the day of the annual community Easter Egg Hunt… the kids were bundled up in coats, with red noses and cold hands as they gathered their eggs.  But, the cold wind blowing didn’t dampen the fun too much. 


When we got to the van, she had to run back into the house for her Daisy Hop because “Mom, I promised Daisy Hop I’d bring her to the Easter Egg Hunt!”


This was his first hunt.  His glee was priceless.


Their was a special “magic egg” which was orange with a purple suction cup on it.  Whoever found it got an extra special prize.  I loved my 6 year olds strategy for egg hunting.  She only gathered orange eggs.  It was so cute to see her running around the egg covered field, never giving a second look to any other color egg.


None of the other kids cared what color their eggs were. 



The Easter Bunny also made an appearance.


It was a blustery, but fun morning!


  1. Very cute! We had our first egg hunt with the PA family today. It was a lot of fun if the girl was a bit too enthusiastic and left the boy in her dust. At least they thought a head and the kids were given a number limit so that it divided out evenly.

  2. That daughter of yours is very smart...only the orange to have a chance at the big prize!! It looks like a lot of fun was had by all.

  3. meghan fitzgeradlSaturday, May 12, 2012

    I LOVE their pink coats (and so would Alannah, my real life Pinkalicious).


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