Irish Eyes are Smiling


When you start the day with a bowl of our traditional St Patty’s day breakfast of Lucky Charms, you know it’s going to be a good day.

And today was just that.

I was so excited to have St Patrick’s Day fall on a Saturday this year.  After our magically delicious breakfast, Scott took the big 3 to my son’s baseball practice.  I stayed home to make our lunch (shamrock shaped soft pretzels) while our youngest took a morning cat nap. 

Then, Scott texted me this picture. photo (6)

Can you believe it?  I’ve never found a four leaf clover and Scott helped the girls find one on St Patrick’s Day no less!! Luck of the Irish, perhaps?

IMG_2530When they got home from practice, lunch was ready.  And, I gotta tell you, I was pretty excited with how it turned out.  I’ve tried my hand at shamrock shaped soft pretzels more than once.  I’ve used pillsbury bread sticks, I’ve used the Auntie Anne home kit… and to be honest I can sometimes get one to kinda sort resemble a shamrock.  But, this time, I was actually able to make 6 pretzels that tasted delicious IMG_2517AND all resembled a shamrock. 


You better believe I’ll be using this recipe again! We topped them off with mint chocolate chip milkshakes for a deliciously green inspired lunch!

In the afternoon, we met some friends in  Stars Hallow  Easton, MD for their St Patrick’s Day parade. IMG_2623

It’s my second time visiting Easton and it did not disappoint.  I loved the town, I loved the 3 school bands that performed, the decorated golf carts, the gaudy green attire lining the streets.  I found myself grinning from ear to ear the entire time and seriously contemplating a visit to the local real estate office.  It was that charming (or I am that much of a sap for small town parades).IMG_2624

The weather was gorgeous.   The afternoon was relaxing (more so for some of us). IMG_2645

IMG_2665Seems the kids wanted a turn in the parade and Scott was happy to oblige (as long as their parade route went down hill).

But, then he requested a ride of his own.


I came home smiling having enjoyed a festive day of family fun with my family. IMG_2581


  1. Looks like you had a truly wonderful St Patrick's Day. Love the great pictures

  2. Love, Love, Love it.

  3. Oh, y'all are so cute! :D Those pretzels turned out great and the parade sounds amazing. Looks like a great day! Happy St. Patrick's!

    Thanks for linking up today! Hope you will continue to do so... :)


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