Mummies and Butterflies…

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Our tutorial had its Science/History night on Monday.  As with any special event, it’s taken a few days to come up for air following all the pre event preparations….  As I watched tired mother’s dragging ginormous projects into the gym on Monday morning, I realized this is one of the major reasons we’re at our tutorial.   Science/History night gives them an opportunity to get up in front of a group of people and perform something.  It gives them an opportunity to work on a project, complete it by a set deadline and display it for others. 



It’s helpful for me too because often I have good intentions of doing fun hands on projects with them, but then Friday rolls around and even though we tend to have less work to accomplish that day, I don’t often utilize it for extra hands on projects.   And these projects give me a great opportunity to watch their creativity and work habits come out.  I won’t lie it was a HUGE exercise in patience on my part.  I had to take many a deep breath and persevere through the process. 

But, persevere I did and we ended up with a butterfly poster completed by my kindergartener and a life size mummy created by my second grader.  There were other projects they did as well, but these were the two major ones.  (read these were the two responsible for the my new grey hairs)


I’m so proud of them both and so thankful for the opportunities we have our tutorial. 

1 comment:

  1. They BOTH look so proud of their projects. Great job Teacher! Can't wait to hear all about it from the two of them.


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