We ARE ready for some Steelers Football!!!


We’ve been playing the song on repeat for weeks and now the day is here.  Pittsburgh isn’t going to the Super Bowl anymore they are AT the Superbowl!  And we are ready to cheer them on for their 7th Superbowl victory!


Even our dog Maggie is sporting the black and gold today!





  1. Maggie, you are toooooooooooooooooo cute!
    What a great looking family photo.

  2. This picture is a framer, for sure! Love the girls tutu looking skirts and wow, even Maggie gets her own black and gold attire! You guys are hardcore! Question, when someone falls and gets hurt at your house, do they bleed black and gold too? I would not be surprised if they do!

    Did Maggie travel to Pa with you? Oh my...now that's a van ride I would love to be along on...the whole circus crew plus doggie, too! (Does Maggie use the portable potty training potty?? I Just Gotta Ask, you know). Safe travels home and here's to the start of the 2011-12 season! It's just a few short months away!

  3. I LOVE IT! You know... the only reason I even knew who was coming to Dallas for the Super Bowl was b/c of you! :) And... I was cheering for the black and gold... b/c of you! Sad for the loss, but so excited your team had such a GREAT season!


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