

The time is 11:45pm.  One tired hubby is doing his best to fall asleep so he can get up the next morning and go to work and provide for his family.  Meanwhile his “endearing wife” keeps him awake chattering away about the fun festivities she has planned for the following week.

Because he is a good man, he kindly listens as I tell him about National Pancake Day and why it is celebrated, when I know that truthfully, he wants nothing more than to roll over and fall asleep.   OK so maybe there is one thing he’d like more than that, but I can guarantee you it had nothing to do with pancake day…

In case any of you, like me, get a little too excited over totally frivolous holidays, I thought I’d share with you the fun plans we have for this week at the circus.  While the circus dad patiently listened to my mid night ramblings, he couldn’t quite match my childlike enthusiasm.   It really is the little things that make me giddy.

Did you know that Tuesday is National Pancake Day?   IHOP is giving away free short stacks of pancakes in honor of the occasion.  Rather than braving the crowds at IHOP though, I plan to serve chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast at home, and crepes for dinner.  I am even considering making this recipe to make the crepes  a bit more dinner like.   I have  a feeling the kids will opt for PB&J crepes instead though.

But the fun doesn’t stop there.  Wednesday, is Read Across America Day and Dr Seuss’s birthday.   We are going to have Green Eggs and Ham for dinner.  We’ll also do a few Dr Seuss coloring pages and I plan to have everyone put their pjs on before dinner and after dinner we’re going to all snuggle up in the living room and read… I have visions of a few read alouds as well as a little SSR with classical music playing, pillows on the flour and perhaps some popcorn to much on…. doesn’t it sound delightful?  Isn’t it obvious to see why this circus mom couldn’t sleep?  I am sure it will go flawlessly without any grumbling or arguing or any other circus like antics to break the magical spell.    ha-ha…. a mom can dream, can’t she?

How about you?  Any fun plans for the week?  Care to join me in celebrating pancake day and or Dr Seuss’ birthday?


  1. You had me at pancakes.

    I'm in. We shall celebrate here also!

    And of course, I'm all for the Read Across America day! I'm busting out To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street and Green Eggs and Ham. But I'm not sure we'll eat green eggs and am. I do not like it, Happy I am.

    I couldn't help myself....

  2. You had me at pancakes.

    I'm in. We shall celebrate here also!

    And of course, I'm all for the Read Across America day! I'm busting out To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street and Green Eggs and Ham. But I'm not sure we'll eat green eggs and ham. I do not like it, Happy I am.

    I couldn't help myself....

  3. Love the sneeches. Promise me that you'll read it?

  4. We'll have to join you here in MN for Pancake Day.
    Thanks for the idea!
    Some Dr. Suess books for Wednesday sounds just like a perfect day! Although sometimes his made up words drive me crazy!

  5. i live in england and i love celebrating pancake day and some towns even have pancake day races!! but we celebrate by making both the crepes and the 'normal' american pancakes! its a fun celebration with friends =) the british usual have their pancakes (crepes) with lemon juice and sugar. i'm not keen! i prefer fluffy pancakes with maple syrup!!


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