A Winter Unlike Any I’ve Ever Seen


 IMG_3203Most years when I put together our family scrapbooks, our “Fun in the Snow” spread looks something like this.  Notice the grass poking through the snow and the pathetic little snowball snowman my son built?

But, this winter has been crazy! We had a record breaking snowfall in December.  Then, last week we got a good 6 inches of snowfall (which in any normal MD winter, would have made us giddy with excitement).  And today we were blasted with another record breaking and historic snowfall.  IMG_5473 In a way I feel kind of sorry for our kids, because at this young age they are already seeing the most snow they will probably ever see at one time.  It’s all down here from here.  No worries, though, we’ve documented it well and are fully enjoying some fun in the snow.  I am so glad that this year I snagged some boots on sale on Black Friday.  I def got my money’s worth out of em!

blizzard 2010 (click me and I’ll get bigger)


  1. Wow! That is a lot of snow! The collage on the bottom is great and made me wonder how your scrapbooking is going this week. I'm struggling to get my WOW project done. We'll see... : ) Hope you are having fun looking at the pictures of your sweet family.

  2. Great pictures! I have a solution to your needing more snow for the rest of your kids' lives: are you ready?
    What a great idea! Then, after I have my baby and you have your baby, we can start running together. You can encourage me to do a 10 miler. THEN, we can suffer through the 6 month winters of MN.
    What a GREAT solution.
    I'm ready for it!

  3. if only the roads didn't have all the snow either, Eli and i could have come to play! we missed you. but had our own fun in the snow!

  4. Such Fun! I really hope mine remember this but The Boy is still too small to really enjoy it...

  5. I'm tripping out on all these pictures I've been seeing on blogs. So much snow!!!! It is beautiful though! I'm assuming you can't drive anywhere, right?


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