Cherishing These Days

It’s hard to believe that my youngest will be school age next year.  Seriously, how did that happen?  Sometimes when we drop the big kids off at their tutorial on “school at the building days”  he will pause outside the Kindergarten room and tell me, “That’s where I go next year Momma and then you will be all alone and so sad.” 
And my heart kinda breaks a little. 
Because he is right.  I will be so sad.  I will miss my little buddy at Trader Joes who pushes the cart and makes a dash for the coffee.  I’ll miss him packing up his book bag with sooo many books so he too can carry it around like the big kids, even though I am most often stuck lugging it around. 
Scott encouraged me to make sure I am cherishing these days… not just getting stuff done that I need to, but really taking advantage of this time with him.
Which I know I am guilty of not doing. 
So I brainstormed a few things I want to make sure we do together this year and one was visiting Santa.  Because I realized I had never taken him to see Santa.   Usually our Santa visit occurred at the family Christmas party at Scott’s work, but we haven’t been for 3 years to that party due to a gymnastics meet falling on the same morning.  And so we haven’t been to see Santa for 3 years. 
I asked my 4 year old if he’d like to visit Santa.  “Oh boy,” he exclaimed, “I thought Santa was just for pretend… I had no idea we could see him in real life.”  He was so excited…. and I had to chuckle and wonder what I am doing to my poor child. 

He thought we were going to the North Pole and wondered if Santa would open the door for us and let us in.  I went on to explain how it works when you visit Santa… you wait in line and then go up and sit on his lap and he will probably ask you what you want for Christmas.
“Oh no, Mom, that is a problem.” 
“I don’t know what I want for Christmas.”
I told him that was ok, he could just tell Santa he didn’t know.
So, we went… he got a bit shy when his turn came and I realized while we were there that his asthma was bothering him and he was getting a cold.  But, I went up with him and sat with him till he warmed up to Santa a little.  Then they talked and hugged and I snapped a picture.
Afterwards he told me that Santa did ask what he wanted and he said he didn’t know.  Santa told him that he would bring him some surprises then.  Then my four year old said, “Mom, I guess Santa will have to use his phone to figure out how to find our house, right?” 
hahaha… Santa using google maps to find our house.  Made me chuckle. 
It’s hard to balance time these days… I try to take full advantage of the two days the kids are at the building, to work out, run errands, catch up on housework, and often my little guy comes along side me… and I enjoy having him along side me.  But, I also need to make sure I am intentional about making some precious memories during these days.  Because he is growing up faster than I’d like to admit.


  1. He will remember how his Momma loved him so much that she hardly ever left home without him.

  2. Love this! All the circus kids are awesome but your youngest and I have our special little bond :) I am always in awe of your parenting. You always have it together in all the ways that really matter. I think for him the memories of trader joes will be just as sweet as the time you took him to see Santa. It's so easy to see how much you love your family!

  3. Stop and make those precious memories. You have done a wonderful job of making SO MANY special memories with your kids. They all are growing up so fast. He comes up with such cute comments :-) Hope next fall doesn't come too quickly.

  4. Oh, I so need to do this with my soon-to-be kindergartener. With the baby of the family, it's easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day because you've done all that little kid stuff - but not necessarily with that precious one. Thanks for the reminder!


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