Rough Morning

It really has been fun watching our youngest play soccer this fall.  And he truly has been so excited to have a sport of his own to go to for practices and games.  He’s lived up having his turn with the celebration plate.  And besides the first game (in which he was very cold and a little under weather), pretty much every other game he has looked like this
Smiley and happy….
He even scored a few goals…
But there were no smiles this morning.
This morning it was C-O-L-D and rainy and windy…. and we had to be on the field at 9am  after Halloween… Halloween in which we let him stay up late playing in the court with the neighbors….
Today he looked like this. 
photo (7)
I told him he’d warm up if he ran on the field… He responded, “I will warm up if I go inside.” 
because he wanted to be able to eat a doughnut after (b/c really what kid doesn’t need a doughnut the morning after Halloween) he did go on the field for a little while then it was back to Momma’s arms till the end of the half.
  photo (8)
And since they were 4 they only played a half in the cold, November rain…. and then Coach Dad presented him with his monster doughnut and his medal.
photo 1
And while that face doesn’t quite convey the joy he felt, I can tell you he was quite excited about that medal.
photo 2
He has worn it all afternoon.  He told me later, “Mom I don’t think I got the medal for todays game.  I think I got it for the other games.”  I love that he has somewhat of a firm grasp of reality.  I told him he was right, it wasn’t for today.  But, he did have lots of games where he did work hard. 


  1. So glad that he had a good soccer season! Sorry it ended so cold - but at least it was only the last game

  2. Oh, that face. Poor guy. A little dose of reality, I guess. You still look the vibrant face of the perfect Soccer mom. :)


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