Soccer Momma


Our youngest child had his first soccer practice this week. 

first practice 2014

As I struggled to put him into his shin guards and knee socks and cleats, all while watching him grin from ear to ear, my mind drifted back to going through this same right of passage with his older siblings….

Fall 2009

first soccer game


Fall 2010


Grace preps to make a soccer goal

Spring 2011



Gosh…. look at all those chubby cheeks and teeny tiny legs chasing after those soccer balls….

I love pre K soccer… I love the way they swarm after the ball like a hives of bees…I love how you either have to convince them to chase that ball or remind them not to steal the ball from their team mate..they are so clueless and adorable at this age. 

I also love that finally after years of sitting on the sidelines at soccer games, baseball games, flag football games, gym meets,  jiu jitsu tournaments and countless practices, FINALLY it is his turn to be on the field and THEIR turn to cheer him on. 

So fun to be a soccer mom again!


  1. Such a great flash back They are so adorable Just love his HUGE smile as he finally gets to be the star. We can't wait to be a cheering fan this Saturday

  2. Tomorrow is his first game. See you there.

  3. Little man, Pop and I can't wait to watch your first game. Gooooooooo little man, go!

  4. Amazing how little they all once were! You ARE the ultimate soccer mom. :)


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